+++ WEB DESIGN UPDATE. - Volume 19, Issue 17, October 20, 2020. An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design and development. ++ISSUE 17 CONTENTS. SECTION ONE: New references. What's new at the Web Design Reference site? https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/ New links in these categories: 01: ACCESSIBILITY. 02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. 03: DRUPAL. 04: EVALUATION & TESTING. 05: EVENTS. 06: HTML. 07: MISCELLANEOUS. 08: TOOLS. 09: USABILITY. SECTION TWO: 10: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? [Contents ends.] ++ SECTION ONE: New references. +01: ACCESSIBILITY. Dialog Focus in Screen Readers By Adrian Roselli. "Creating an accessible dialog on the web is trickier than it should be…" https://adrianroselli.com/2020/10/dialog-focus-in-screen-readers.html Nothing About Us Without Us… Including Pizza: The Practice of Designing with Accessibility in Mind By Cyndi Wiley. "Designing with accessibility in mind means including people who experience disabilities in all stages of the design process…" https://educators.aiga.org/nothing-about-us-without-us-including-pizza-the-practice-of-designing-with-accessibility-in-mind/ An Opinionated Guide to Accessibility Testing By Iain Bean. 'I got 100/100 for accessibility on Lighthouse, that's good enough right…' https://iainbean.com/posts/2020/an-opinionated-guide-to-accessibility-testing/ Introduction to Web Accessibility (Video) By Michele A. Williams. "Geared towards technology professionals (current and future), this video explains what we mean by 'making technology accessible' - that is, the inclusion of users who have disabilities in the consideration of how we create technology…" https://mawconsultingllc.com/webinars/webinar-intro-to-accessibility/ A Better Way to Make and Keep Websites Accessible (Video) By Ken Nakata. "Thanks for joining this webinar entitled A Better Way to Make and Keep Websites Accessible. I'm Samantha Sauld from 3Play Media, and I'll be moderating today. I'm joined today by Ken Nakata, Principal of Converge Accessibility…" https://www.3playmedia.com/resources/recorded-webinars/wbnr-10-15-2020-keep-websites/ Understanding SC 2.5.3 Label in Name By Sathish Kumar. "Imagine you are using the voice control feature in iPhone or Windows recognition software to see how they work. When you are trying to activate a link 'Sign in' which you visibly see, the speech input software, software is not able to activate the link…" https://www.digitala11y.com/understanding-sc-2-5-3-label-in-name/ Accessibility Checklist to Design Products That People Will Love… and Use By Nadiya Abrosimova. "Accessibility is a broad topic…" https://uxdesign.cc/accessibility-checklist-195da7ab64fb Technology Accessibility Quality Measures By Sarah Horton. "What can we learn from healthcare quality initiatives to help us make progress in improving the quality of the technology we rely on for our health and well-being, focusing specifically on measures related to accessibility for people with disabilities…" https://sarahhortondesign.com/2020/10/19/technology-accessibility-quality-measures/ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for Mobile By Rob Whitaker. "This is an excerpt from my recent APress Book Developing Inclusive Mobile Apps: Building Accessible Apps for iOS and Android…" https://www.capitalone.com/tech/software-engineering/wcag-accessiblity-guidelines-mobile/ An Evaluation of Accessibility of Covid-19 Statistical Charts of Governments And Health Organisations for People with Low Vision By Rubén Alcaraz-Martinez and Mireia Ribera-Turró. "…Overall, the reviewed charts offer a reasonable level of accessibility, although there are some relevant problems affecting many of the low vision profiles that remain to be solved. The main problems identified are: poor text alternatives in both, raster images and SVG charts; the incompatibility with a keyboard interface; insufficient non-text contrast against adjacent colours (in chart elements such as bars, lines or areas), no customization options; and the lack of an optimized print version for users for whom reading on screen is challenging…" http://www.elprofesionaldelainformacion.com/contenidos/2020/sep/alcaraz-ribera.html Accessibility: The Missing MVP Requirement (Video) By Alberto Orsini. "We are joined by Claudio Vera, accessibility advocate, and Sr. Analyst of Accessibility at Royal Caribbean. During our conversation, we discussed how Claudio first got into accessibility, how early we should all learn accessibility, why accessibility needs to be part of requirement planning for all products, and where the industry as a whole is headed…" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn2yoEJTNW4 5 False Claims 1-Line 'AI' Accessibility Script Vendors Make (Video) By Eric Eggert. "They claim to be the be-all and end-all of all accessibility worries: 'AI' accessibility tools. They say they provide '100% WCAG 2.1 compliance'. They say it only takes one line of JavaScript to 'fix your website for accessibility'. Who are 'they'? VC-backed companies that promise affordable, effortless compliance for your website. If you think 'that sounds too good to be true', you're right…" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-3xlUarxRQ More Lawsuits Filed Against Companies Using Accessibility Plugin/Overlays By Sheri Byrne-Haber. "ADP has been sued for inaccessibility despite using a popular overlay. The rest of the cases involving overlays have been small potatoes by comparison…" https://medium.com/@sheribyrnehaber/more-lawsuits-filed-against-companies-using-accessibility-plugin-overlays-1cc539d493b2 House Bill Introduced to Require Accessible Consumer Facing Websites and Mobile Apps By Minh Vu and Julia Sarnoff. "Seyfarth Synopsis: Congressmen Budd and Correa try to address website and mobile app accessibility in a new bill called the Online Accessibility Act." https://www.adatitleiii.com/2020/10/house-bill-introduced-to-require-accessible-consumer-facing-websites-and-mobile-apps/ +02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. Alternative Text for CSS Generated Content By Adrian Roselli. "Relying on images that come from CSS has always been risky from an accessibility perspective. CSS background images, in particular, must either be purely decorative or be described to the user in some way…If you want to find a solution that works for each major platform, then do not use the CSS approach yet. Stick with images…" https://adrianroselli.com/2020/10/alternative-text-for-css-generated-content.html Focus Management and Inert By Eric Bailey. "Many forms of assistive technology use keyboard navigation to understand and take action on screen content…" https://css-tricks.com/focus-management-and-inert/ Focus Rings By @amfaulty. "The most important piece of effective keyboard navigation is being able to know where focus currently sits on the page and visualizing when that focus moves. This indicator is referred to as a Focus Ring. The following sections provide background information on our requirements for an effective focus ring and how various approaches fail to satisfy them. The final suggested API is outlined in the Proposed API section at the end, and can be read independently…" https://www.notion.so/Focus-Rings-4459faa9d1f643728ca8dde145a89900 The :focus-visible Trick By Chris Coyier. "Always worth repeating: all interactive elements should have a focus style. That way, a keyboard user can tell when they have moved focus to that element…" https://css-tricks.com/the-focus-visible-trick/ min(), max(), and clamp(): Three Logical CSS Functions to Use Today By Una Kravets. "Learn how to control element sizing, maintain proper spacing, and implement fluid typography using these well-supported CSS functions." https://web.dev/min-max-clamp/ +03: DRUPAL. Drupal for Higher Education: How Schools Succeed By Suzanne Dergacheva. "Not only is Drupal the second-most popular CMS among universities surveyed in 2019, but the larger the school, the more likely it is to be using Drupal…" https://evolvingweb.ca/blog/drupal-higher-education-how-schools-succeed +04: EVALUATION & TESTING. Predicting the Number of Usability Problems Using Average Problem Occurrence By Jeff Sauro and Jim Lewis. "…A key step in determining the appropriate sample size for a formative (problem discovery) usability study is estimating problem frequency (p)…" https://measuringu.com/predicting-n-usability-problems/ The Value of Ethnographic Research and Contextual Inquiry By Lylo Trotta. "Studying the contexts in which people experience a product or application is pivotal in developing an understanding of how they engage with it…" https://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2020/10/the-value-of-ethnographic-research-and-contextual-inquiry.php Remote UX Research: Advantages and Disadvantages, Part 2 By Jim Ross. "What are the disadvantages of remote UX research and how can we minimize them as much as possible to get the best results…" https://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2020/10/remote-ux-research-advantages-and-disadvantages-part-2.php Tips for Conducting Remote UX Research and Testing, Part 1 By Janet M. Six. "This month in Ask UXmatters, our expert panel provides some helpful tips about conducting effective remote UX research and usability testing…" https://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2020/10/tips-for-conducting-remote-ux-research-and-testing-part-1.php Research Repositories for Tracking UX Research and Growing Your ResearchOps By Kara Pernice. "Organize user research in a research repository to communicate and track insights across teams and over time for success and to grow ResearchOps." https://www.nngroup.com/articles/research-repositories/ +05: EVENTS. Through the Eyes of a Deaf Person with Meryl K. Evans October 29, 2020. Online https://equalentry.com/register-for-through-the-eyes-of-a-deaf-person-webinar/ Accessibility Bootcamp with Karl Groves November 4-5, 2020. Online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tenon-accessibility-bootcamp-tickets-117303095717 Front-End Accessibility Masterclass with Marcy Sutton November 6-20, 2020. Online https://smashingconf.com/online-workshops/workshops/marcy-sutton-nov/ Accessibility of Forms with Karl Groves November 10, 2020. Online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-accessibility-of-forms-on-the-web-tickets-117303161915 Deep Dive into WAI-ARIA with Karl Groves November 17-18, 2020. Online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/deep-dive-into-wai-aria-tickets-117303366527 Accessibility Bootcamp with Karl Groves November 23-24, 2020. Online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/accessibility-testing-bootcamp-tickets-117544762549 +06: HTML. The lang Attribute: Browsers Telling Lies, Telling Sweet Little Lies By Manuel Matuzović. "The lang attribute is an essential component in the basic structure of an HTML document. It's important that we define it correctly because it affects many aspects of user experience. Unfortunately, the negative effects a missing or wrong attribute can have aren't always evident…" https://www.matuzo.at/blog/lang-attribute/ +07: MISCELLANEOUS. What is the Web? By John Allsopp. "…what the hell is the Web? And is the Web of 1990 the Web of 2020, and will it be the web of 2050 (rather unsettlingly the year when as much time will have passed again since its creation). That's what I want to consider today, and then to consider what the web might become (that is, what you might help it become)…" https://www.webdirections.org/blog/what-is-the-web/ Web Histories By Rachel Andrew. "…I intend this site to become a place to gather the stories of the early efforts to create an open web. Timeline roughly 1995-2006 initially, purely to limit the scope of what is initially a dissertation project for my degree… https://webhistories.org At Knowbility, Sharron Rush Leads the Fight for Equal Technology Access By Hugh Forrest. "Sharron Rush is the award-winning co-founder and Executive Director of the Austin-based nonprofit advocacy, consulting, and training company Knowbility…" https://hugh-w-forrest.medium.com/at-knowbility-sharron-rush-leads-the-fight-for-equal-technology-access-8635f623e0e6 What Can We Learn From the W3C CMS Selection Process By Janus Boye. "There's a million different ways to select a new content management system and having been a part of the marketplace for the past two decades, I thought I had almost seen them all…" https://www.cmscritic.com/what-can-we-learn-from-the-w3c-cms-selection-process/ +08: TOOLS. AxSHammer By Jamie Teh. "I just started a new project: AxSHammer, a Firefox add-on providing tools to hammer an inaccessible website into shape. See the readme for details…" https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/axshammer/ +09: USABILITY. Figure It Out: Getting From Information to Understanding By Stephen P. Anderson and Karl Fast. "This is an excerpt from Stephen P. Anderson and Karl Fast's book 'Figure It Out: Getting From Information to Understanding'. 2020, Rosenfeld Media." https://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2020/10/figure-it-out-getting-from-information-to-understanding.php State-Switch Controls: The Infamous Case of the "Mute" Button By Raluca Budiu. "On-off controls that switch between two different system states need to clearly communicate to users both the current state and the state the system will move to, should the user press that control." https://www.nngroup.com/articles/state-switch-buttons/ Myths About Complex App Users (Video) By Kate Kaplan. "Three stereotypes explain much resistance to improving the usability of complex applications for domain-specific tasks: that people like the old ways, that they are experts in the existing UI, and that training will make up for bad design. All are misleading." https://www.nngroup.com/videos/myths-about-complex-app-users/ Always Use Thumbnails to Represent Additional Product Images (76% of Mobile Sites Don't) By Kathryn Totz. "On product pages, product images are tremendously important in users' product-evaluation experience, providing critical visual information about key product details…" https://baymard.com/blog/always-use-thumbnails-additional-images [Section one ends.] ++ SECTION TWO: +10: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? Accessibility Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/accessibility.html Association Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/associations.html Book Listings. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/books.html Cascading Style Sheets Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/css.html Color Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/color.html Drupal Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/drupal.html Evaluation & Testing Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/testing.html Event Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/events.html HTML Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/html.html Information Architecture Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/architecture.html JavaScript Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/javascript.html Miscellaneous Web Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/misc.html Navigation Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/navigation.html PHP Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/php.html Sites & Blogs Listing. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/sites.html Standards, Guidelines & Pattern Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/standards.html Tool Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/tools.html Typography Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/type.html Usability Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/usability.html XML Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/xml.html [Section two ends.] ++END NOTES. + SUBSCRIPTION INFO. WEB DESIGN UPDATE is available by subscription. For information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe please visit: https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/webdev_listserv.html The Web Design Reference Site also has a RSS 2.0 feed for site updates. + TEXT EMAIL NEWSLETTER (TEN). As a navigation aid for screen readers we do our best to conform to the accessible Text Email Newsletter (TEN) guidelines. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to make navigation easier. For TEN guideline information please visit: http://www.headstar.com/ten + SIGN OFF. Until next time, Laura L. Carlson Information Technology Systems and Services University of Minnesota Duluth Duluth, MN U.S.A. 55812-3009 mailto:lcarlson@d.umn.edu [Issue ends.]