+++ WEB DESIGN UPDATE. - Volume 22, Issue 09, August 22, 2023. An email newsletter to distribute news and information about web design and development. ++ISSUE 09 CONTENTS. SECTION ONE: New references. What's new at the Web Design Reference site? https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/ New links in these categories: 01: ACCESSIBILITY. 02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. 03: COLOR. 04: EVALUATION & TESTING. 05: EVENTS. 06: HTML. 07: JAVASCRIPT. 08: MISCELLANEOUS. 09: NAVIGATION. 10: XML. SECTION TWO: 11: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? [Contents ends.] ++ SECTION ONE: New references. +01: ACCESSIBILITY. Accessibility Is Not Inclusive Design or Disability Rights. It's a Part of It. By Eric Eggert. "Every few months, the discussion comes up that you cannot make accessibility work if you are not fighting for disability rights or practicing inclusive design…" https://yatil.net/blog/accessibility-is-not-inclusive-design Writing Alternative Text for Images By Ellen Liebert, Eve Adams, Jeanne Spellman. "…Writing good alt text is an art that takes practice. Following these guidelines for writing alt text will help provide all users with an equitable understanding of the visual elements used on a web page…" https://www.ta11y.org/learning/topic?key=design.writealt Granularity Walkers for Textual Descriptions By Peter Krautzberger. "…First, I'll try to give you a rough outline of the thinking behind this idea, followed by a couple of code examples and the reasoning behind their evolution. Finally, there'll be a more fully fledge example, including demos on the authoring experience and the user experience (across major screenreaders)…" https://www.peterkrautzberger.org/0219/ Useable By Rachael Bradley Montgomery. "…This work resulted in useable, a multi-level disability needs taxonomy. To celebrate disability pride month and to encourage more disability-centered tools, we shared our mapping in an open source GitHub repository…" https://whollyaccessible.org/2023/08/14/useable/ Accessibility Virtual Reality: How to Add Captions Using Open Source By Savio Menifer. "…Captions are essential to ensure that dialogue, sound effects, and music are accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This holds true in virtual reality (VR), where captions enhance the accessibility of games, social worlds, and other immersive experiences…" https://equalentry.com/accessibility-virtual-reality-captions-open-source/ New Amendment to AB 1757 Encourages Bad Consulting By Ken Nakata. "…the new amendments shine a spotlight on web accessibility consultants and encourages them to behave badly…" https://convergeaccessibility.com/2023/08/18/update-california-ab-1757-update/ +02: CASCADING STYLE SHEETS. Styling Links and Buttons By Adrian Roselli. "I made a tutorial for styling links and buttons, something which many developers have struggled with (resulting in links used as buttons and buttons used as links)…" https://adrianroselli.com/2023/08/styling-links-and-buttons.html How to Use the CSS gap Property By Ralph Mason. "In this article, we'll explore the uses of the CSS gap property, which makes it super easy to add space between elements, and solves a number of layout issues that have plagued developers over the years…" https://www.sitepoint.com/css-gap-property/ The Ideal Viewport Doesn't Exist By Set Studio. "Here at Set Studio, we conducted a little casual experiment to answer 'how fragmented are viewport sizes?'" https://viewports.fyi/ +03: COLOR. Contrast in Charts (Video) By Kate Moran. "Use color, titles, and callouts to draw your viewers' attention to the main finding in your quantitative-data visualization." https://www.nngroup.com/videos/contrast-charts/ +04: EVALUATION & TESTING. Writing Good Survey Questions: 10 Best Practices By Matt Brown. "Designing a good survey is harder than it may seem. Ensure accurate and reliable data by writing questions that are appropriate for the method and worded to minimize bias." https://www.nngroup.com/articles/survey-best-practices/ How to Use Analytics in UX (Video) By Tim Neusesser. "Integrating analytics into UX work helps make data-based decisions and focuses effort on projects with the most impact." https://www.nngroup.com/videos/analytics-in-ux/ Balancing Natural Behavior with Incentives and Accuracy in Diary Studies By Mayya Azarova. "Diary studies involve a series of tradeoffs as researchers must capture participants' natural behaviors, but the method to do so can be intrusive and reward producing more entries." https://www.nngroup.com/articles/incentives-accuracy-diary-studies/ +05: EVENTS. 1% Shifts to Improve Digital Accessibility August 31, 2023. Online https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/s/webinar-details?id=a0A4z000018Qg7PEAS Accessibility Testing with WCAG 2.2 with James Edwards September 17, 2023. Online. https://www.tpgi.com/accessibility-testing-with-wcag-2-2/ Accessibility Metrics: Setting the Right Benchmarks September 17, 2023. Online. https://accessibility.deque.com/accessibility-metrics-setting-the-right-benchmarks Microsoft Inclusive Design: Cognitive Exclusion September 21, 2023. Online. https://accessibilityonline.org/ada-tech/session/?id=111074 Accessibility for Designers with Stéphanie Walter November 6-15, 2023. Online https://smashingconf.com/online-workshops/workshops/accessibility-design-stephanie-walter/ +06: HTML. An Intro to the dialog Element By Chris Ferdinandi. "…Today, I wanted to give you a primer on the dialog element…" https://gomakethings.com/an-intro-to-the-dialog-element/ +07: JAVASCRIPT. aria-haspopup and Screen Readers By Manuel Matuzović. "I read Steve Faulkners 'hasPopup hasPoop' where he mentions differences in what screen readers announce when dealing with the aria-haspopup attribute. I wanted to know how that manifests used on a button…" https://www.matuzo.at/blog/2023/aria-haspopup/ Progressively Enhanced Form Validation, Part 3: Validating a Checkbox Group By Gerardo Rodriguez. "Part 1 and Part 2 of this series explore the browser's built-in HTML and CSS form validation features and how to progressively enhance the experience by layering JavaScript using the Constraint Validation API. This article extends that exploration by focusing on a form validation use case that is not handled by the browser's native validation features: a checkbox group…" https://cloudfour.com/thinks/progressively-enhanced-form-validation-part-3-validating-a-checkbox-group/ +08: MISCELLANEOUS. No App, No Entry: How the Digital World Is Failing the Non Tech-Savvy By Andrew Anthony. "The elderly, the poor and the unbanked are among the marginalised groups being excluded from our cashless society…" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/aug/20/no-app-no-entry-how-the-digital-world-is-failing-the-non-tech-savvy 'We're All Just Temporarily Abled' By Jim Nielsen "That's a quote from Cindy Li - 'We're all just temporarily abled'. I first heard it in Sara's course and it's been on repeat in my mind ever since June 6th. June 6th I was on vacation at the beach with my family and tried something that, looking back now, maybe I'm too old for. And I injured my knee…" https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2023/temporarily-abled/ +09: NAVIGATION. 7 Reasons to Replace Advanced Search With Filters So Users Can Easily Find What They Need By Adam Silver. "I started making websites over 20 years ago. Advanced search is probably one of the earliest patterns I remember from the early days…" https://adamsilver.io/blog/7-reasons-to-replace-advanced-search-with-filters-so-users-can-easily-find-what-they-need/ +10: XML Let's Build a Website Using XML! By Terence Eden. "It is 2023. XHTML is dead and buried. HTML is a "living standard" with billions of users. So what kind of idiot would want to build a website using XML? Me. I am that idiot…" https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/08/lets-build-a-website-using-xml/ [Section one ends.] ++ SECTION TWO: +11: What Can You Find at the Web Design Reference Site? Accessibility Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/accessibility.html Association Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/associations.html Book Listings. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/books.html Cascading Style Sheets Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/css.html Color Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/color.html Drupal Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/drupal.html Evaluation & Testing Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/testing.html Event Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/events.html HTML Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/html.html Information Architecture Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/architecture.html JavaScript Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/javascript.html Miscellaneous Web Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/misc.html Navigation Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/navigation.html PHP Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/php.html Sites & Blogs Listing. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/sites.html Standards, Guidelines & Pattern Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/standards.html Tool Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/tools.html Typography Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/type.html Usability Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/usability.html WebWaste & Sustainability Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/webwaste.html XML Information. https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/xml.html [Section two ends.] ++END NOTES. + SUBSCRIPTION INFO. WEB DESIGN UPDATE is available by subscription. For information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe please visit: https://www.d.umn.edu/itss/training/online/webdesign/webdev_listserv.html The Web Design Reference Site also has a RSS 2.0 feed for site updates. + TEXT EMAIL NEWSLETTER (TEN). As a navigation aid for screen readers we do our best to conform to the accessible Text Email Newsletter (TEN) guidelines. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to make navigation easier. For TEN guideline information please visit: http://www.headstar.com/ten + SIGN OFF. Until next time, Laura L. Carlson Information Technology Systems and Services University of Minnesota Duluth Duluth, MN U.S.A. 55812-3009 mailto:lcarlson@d.umn.edu [Issue ends.]