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Example recruiting script.

Hi, ____. My name is ____ ____, and I’m calling to ask if you would be interested in helping to test the current UMD web site to see what it’s like for people to use it. Do you have a few minutes now to talk with me regarding you participating in a test of our web site?

It would take about an hour and a half of your time. We want to hear what you think so we can try to improve the web site. We would be testing the site, not you. We would ask you to do some ordinary tasks on the site. During the test you would be asked to think out loud, to tell us what’s going through your mind. We would observe how you interact with the site and would also interview you briefly.

The information from your visit would be used, along with that from other similar visits, to improve the site. We would be taking hand written notes and video taping the session. The video would be used to help us figure out how to improve the site. It would also help us so we don’t have to take so many notes.

After the test we would use your verbal statements, but not your name, for the purposes of demonstration and evaluation only. This is in no way a endorsement of the web site. Summary data may be used in publication for educational/research purposes.

Do you think you would be interested in helping us?