Pope Tech/WAVE Structural Element Rule Set

Structural elements identify any structural HTML such as headings and lists. Structure plays an important role in accessibility. When Pope Tech/WAVE identifies a structural element, you should check it manually to see if it presents an issue or not. The documentation will link to the applicable WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria and tell you:

22 Structural Rules That Are Checked

  1. Aside
  2. Column header cell
  3. Data table
  4. Definition/description list
  5. Footer
  6. Generic region
  7. Header
  8. Heading level 1
  9. Heading level 2
  10. Heading level 3
  11. Heading level 4
  12. Heading level 5
  13. Heading level 6
  14. Inline frame
  15. Main content
  16. Navigation
  17. Ordered list
  18. Row header cell
  19. Search
  20. Table caption
  21. Table header cell
  22. Unordered list