TH 4351
Portfolio Preparation and Presentation
Final Exam: Large Group Presentation

The final for this course is a PowerPoint presentation before an invited audience of students, faculty and staff on either the main stage of the Marshall Center, or in the Dudley Experimental Theatre. This capstone presentation will be coordinated with students enrolled in the performance capstone courses for a joint presentation during Finals Week.

In class we will work on what to include, the order in which it should be presented, and what to say about each entry. If you have no prior experience with PowerPoint software, an instructional video is available in the library.

Group Presentation

• Consider who your audience is: (peers? faculty? professional designers? technical personnel? directors?)

For this presentation, all students, staff and faculty will be invited to the presentation. Graduating seniors who will be presenting will need to coordinate their efforts. In the past, some groups have chosen to print a program, provide food for the interval, or even create a Christmas party atmosphere.

• Define the purpose of the presentation and tailor the presentation to this purpose.

The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate your accomplishments while attending UMD in a 12 minute presentation.

• What skills do you want to convey? How to toot your own horn...

people skills
work ethic
ability to articulate
experience: various types of productions, venues, and genres (traditional theatre, dance, musical, tour, rep)
special training, technical skills

• How do you display your experience?

format of visuals
content of visuals

• How do you tackle challenges?

• Language

proper terminology
positive attitude
creative problem solving

• Spontaneous responses

how to respond, not just react
how to categorize and address weaknesses, strengths

• How do you analyze your interactions to your benefit?

asking your own questions

• What are your goals?

• The presentation as an example of YOU!

body language
familiarity with your area of specialization