1. Definitions can be found in the notes/book.

2. Assume:
   X = 2;
   Y = 7;
   Z = 9;
   A = 0;
   B = 1;

   What are the values of:

   X + Y * Z                   * 65
   X * Y + Z                   * 23
   X - Y - Z                   * -14
   X / Y * Z                   * 0
   Y % X                       * 1
   sqrt(Z)                     * 3.0
   pow(X,Y)                    * 128.0
   rint(7.6)                   * 8.0
   floor(7.6)                  * 7.0
   ceil(7.6)                   * 8.0
   X + Y - Z * X + Z - X % Y   * -2
   X && Y                      * 1 (true)
   A || B                      * 1 (true)
   !A                          * 1 (true)
   !A && B                     * 1 (true)
   !B || A                     * 0 (false)
   (X < Y) && Z > X            * 1 (true)

3. A field specification may have width and precision values, how
   are these used?

   * In formatted output commands, the width value indicates how
   * many characters should be used in outputting the value.  For
   * example, the specification %5d indicates that the value should
   * be printed as a whole number using a total of 5 characters.
   * If the minimum width needed is larger than the value specified
   * the minimum width is used.  In formatted input commands the
   * width value indicates the maximum number of characters to be
   * read while reading the value.
   * In formatted output, the precision value is used to indicate
   * how many digits should appear after the decimal point when
   * printing out floating-point values.

4. What is meant by the term prompting for input?  What are
   characteristics of a good prompt.  Show an example.

   * Prompting for input involves using an output command to inform
   * the user that the program needs to input 1 or more values.  A
   * good prompt will tell the user precisely what type of value is
   * expected and what values are reasonable.  A good prompt may also
   * repeat the prompt until the user enters a correct value.
   * Example:
   * do {
   *   printf("Please enter a calendar month to print (use integers 1 to 12): ");
   *   scanf(&month);
   *   if ((month < 1) || (month > 12))
   *     printf("  Please use a value between 1 and 12!\n");
   * } while ((month < 1) || (month > 12));

5. The logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators are "short
   cicuit" operators.  What does this mean?

   * This means that these operators will not evaluate their second
   * argument if the first argument determines the value of the
   * operator.  For the && operator, if the first argument is 0 (false)
   * the second argument is not evaluated.  For the || operator, if the
   * first argument is 1 (true) the second argument is not evaluated.

6. Write a function Factorial that takes an argument N and calculates
   (returns) 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * ... * N.  For example, Factorial(4) should
   calculate 24 (1 * 2 * 3 * 4).

   * int Factorial(int N) {
   *   int I;
   *   int fact = 1;
   *   for (I = 1; I <= N; I++)
   *     fact *= I;
   *   return fact;
   * }

7. Rich wants to write a function that prompts a user for three pieces
   of information: an id number (integer), a salary (floating-point) and
   a favorite letter (character).  Help Rich out and write this function.
   Your function should prompt the user for each value and the function
   should produce the three values.

   * void ReadData(int *id, float *salary, char *favoriteletter) {
   *   printf("Please enter your id#: ");
   *   scanf(id);
   *   printf("Please enter your salary: ");
   *   scanf(salary);
   *   printf("Please enter your favorite letter: ");
   *   scanf(favoriteletter);
   * }

8. Give an example of a switch statement with at least three cases
   and a default case.  Now, rewrite your switch statement as a set of
   if-else statements.

   * switch (num) {
   *   case 1: case 2:
   *     printf("Case 1 or 2\n");
   *     break;
   *   case 3:
   *     printf("Case 3\n");
   *     break;
   *   case 4:
   *     printf("Case 4\n");
   *     break;
   *   default:
   *     printf("All other cases.\n");
   * }
   * if ((num == 1) || (num == 2))
   *   printf("Case 1 or 2\n");
   * else if (num == 3)
   *   printf("Case 3\n");
   * else if (num == 4)
   *   printf("Case 4\n");
   * else
   *   printf("All other cases.\n");

9. Give an example of a multiway selection problem that would be
   difficult to do with a switch.

   * It is difficult to do multiway selection when the number of cases
   * corresponding to a single action is very large.  For example, in the
   * following situation
   * Grade    Message
   * ------   -------
   * 60-100   Good
   * 53-59    Borderline
   * 0-52     Problem
   * the programmer would need to type 41 case labels for the first action
   * (showing the message Good), 7 case labels for the second action,
   * and 53 case labels for the last action.  It would be much easier
   * to do this with nested if-else statements.

10. Translate the following for loop into a do-while loop:

    for (I = 0, tot = 0, cnt = 0; I < N; I += 2) {
      tot += I;
      printf("%.2f\n",(float) tot / cnt);

    * I = 0;
    * tot = 0;
    * cnt = 0;
    * if (I < N) {
    *   do {
    *     tot += I;
    *     cnt++;
    *     printf("%.2f\n",(float) tot / cnt);
    *     I += 2;
    *   } while (I < N);

11. Write a piece of code to produce the following output using at most
    one newline character in your print statements:


    * for (I = 0; I < 7; I++) {
    *   for (J = 0; J < (3 - abs(I - 3)); J++)
    *     printf(" ");
    *   for (J = 0; J <= (3 - abs(I - 3)); J++)
    *     printf("*");
    *   printf("\n");
    * }

12. What is the output of the following piece of code:

    for (I = 0; I < 12; I++) {
      for (J = 4 - (I % 4); J > 0; J--)
        printf(" ");
      for (J = 0; J < (I % 4) + 1; J++)

    *    X
    *   XX
    *  XXX
    * XXXX
    *    X
    *   XX
    *  XXX
    * XXXX
    *    X
    *   XX
    *  XXX
    * XXXX

13. Give a piece of code that will copy the characters from a text
    file file1.txt to a new file file2.txt.  Furthermore, when copying
    the characters, any lower case characters in file1.txt should be
    written as a corresponding upper case character in file2.txt (if
    the character 'a' is read from file1.txt, the character 'A' should
    be written to file2.txt).

    * FILE *inf;
    * FILE *outf;
    * int ch;
    * if ((inf = fopen("file1.txt","r")) == NULL) {
    *   printf("Unable to open file file1.txt\n");
    *   exit(-1);
    * }
    * if ((outf = fopen("file2.txt","w")) == NULL) {
    *   printf("Unable to open file file2.txt\n");
    *   exit(-1);
    * }
    * while ((ch = fgetc(inf)) != EOF)
    *   if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z'))
    *     fputc(ch + 'A' - 'a',outf);
    *   else
    *     fputc(ch,outf);

14. How do the fgetc and ungetc functions work?  Indicate the arguments
    each takes and what values they return.  Also, give an example of
    how each function is used.

    * The fgetc function takes one argument, a FILE * and returns the
    * next available character in the file the FILE * is connected to
    * or the value EOF to indicate no character is available (the
    * End-Of-File has been reached).  The return value of fgetc is an
    * integer value to allow the computer to represent not only any
    * legal character value but also to represent EOF.  The ungetc
    * function takes an argument containing the ASCII value of a
    * character (an integer) and a FILE * and returns that character to
    * the stream (the FILE *) to which it is connected.  ungetc returns
    * EOF if the command fails.  The returned character would be the
    * next character read by an fgetc or getc command.  Note that you
    * may not do two ungetc commands in a row.
    * fopen sample:
    * if ((inf = fopen("file1.txt","r")) == NULL) {
    *   printf("Unable to open file file1.txt\n");
    *   exit(-1);
    * }
    * ungetc sample:
    * if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
    *   ungetc(ch,inf);

15. Output:

    * 5 4
    * 4 3
    * 4 5
    * 4 3
    * 2 2
    * 4 2
    * 1 3
    * 3 3
    * 4 3 7
    * 7 3
    * 3 4 7
    * 7 3
    * 4 3 7
    * 4 7
    * 3 4 7
    * 4 7
    * 144 12 12
    * 144 12
    * 144 12 12
    * 12 144
    * 16 16 16
    * 16 3
    * 9 9 9
    * 4 9
    * 60 6 10 70
    * 60 70
    * 60 6 10 70
    * 4 60
    * 66 6 11 77
    * 66 3
    * 66 6 11 77
    * 77 66
    * 66 6 11 77
    * 66 3
    * 66 6 11 77
    * 77 66
    * 60 6 10 70
    * 60 70
    * 60 6 10 70
    * 4 60