Consumer Behavior PowerPoint Slides

Here are the PowerPoint Slides from the class lectures. Please print these out so that you don't have to copy everything down in class. You can download the whole presentation to bring up on your computer to print out.

WARNING:  Some of these files are EXTREMELY large (about 4 MB), so don't try to download them using a dial-up connection.  If you download this to a computer lab computer, please delete the file after printing so you don't clutter up the lab hard drive.

These files are ONLY accessible to students registered in the MKTG 4731 class.  You will need to login with your email id and password to access these files.

To download the PowerPoint file to your computer, you may need to right-click on the link and select "Save to Disk"


A Model of Consumer Behavior
Motivation and Involvement
Attitudes and Alternative Evaluation
Personality and Lifestyles
Organizational and Household Decision Making
Group Influence and Opinion Leadership
Cialdini Chapter Summaries
Subliminal Advertising

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