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Updated matches?

     (define matches?
       (lambda (pattern question)
         (cond ((null? pattern) (null? question))
               ((null? question) #F)
               ((list? (car pattern))
                (if (member (car question) (car pattern))
                    (matches? (cdr pattern) (cdr question))
               ((equal? (car pattern) (car question))
                (matches? (cdr pattern) (cdr question)))
               ((equal? (car pattern) '...) #T)
               (else #F))))
This extension will allow these to match:
     (what movies was made in 1967)
     (what (movie movies) (was were) made in _)
Further extending matches? to deal with the "_" wild-card is an exercise (7.29).

substitutions-in-to-match must also be modified to handle both these types of wild-cards (exercise 7.30).

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