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Sorting the Movies

To sort, use a method in the library:
          (sort list less-than?)
We will sort by considering the first word of the title as a string:
     (define movie-less-than?
       (lambda (title1 title2)
         (string<? (symbol->string (car title1))
                   (symbol->string (car title2)))))
While sorting, we will skip any articles at the beginning of a movie's title:
     (define skip-article
       (lambda (title)
         (if (member (car title) '(the a an))
             (cdr title)
Get a (nonsorted) list of titles without beginning articles and sort it:
     (define titles-without-articles 
       (movies-satisfying our-movie-database
                          (lambda (movie) #t)
                          (lambda (movie) 
                            (skip-article (movie-title movie)))))

     (require (lib ""))

     (sort titles-without-articles movie-less-than?)

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