01: import java.util.*;
03: /**
04:    This runnable executes a sort algorithm.
05:    When two elements are compared, the algorithm
06:    pauses and updates a panel.
07: */
08: public class Sorter implements Runnable
09: {
10:    /**
11:       Constructs the sorter.
12:       @param values the array to sort
13:       @param panel the panel for displaying the array
14:    */
15:    public Sorter(Double[] values, ArrayComponent panel)
16:    {
17:       this.values = values;
18:       this.panel = panel;
19:    }
21:    public void run()
22:    {
23:       Comparator<Double> comp = new
24:          Comparator<Double>()
25:          {
26:             public int compare(Double d1, Double d2)
27:             {
28:                panel.setValues(values, d1, d2);
29:                try
30:                {
31:                   Thread.sleep(DELAY);
32:                }
33:                catch (InterruptedException exception)
34:                {
35:                   Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
36:                }
37:                return (d1).compareTo(d2);
38:             }
39:          };
40:       MergeSorter.sort(values, comp);
41:       panel.setValues(values, null, null);
42:    }
44:    private Double[] values;
45:    private ArrayComponent panel;
46:    private static final int DELAY = 100;
47: }