Dr. Serguei Pakhomov Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota Applications of Natural Language Processing in Medical Informatics Research and Clinical Practice at the Mayo Clinic I will outline some key issues in Medical Informatics research and medical terminology development. It will be focused on the specific issues we are dealing with at the Mayo lab: automatic term extraction, automatic classification and indexing of clinical documents. I will describe how clinical data is represented in unrestricted text of clinical notes and some of the challenges it poses for NLP including data format, access and security. In the second half of the talk I will talk about some of the on-going research projects we are working on at Mayo: automatic abbreviation/acronym expansion, patient medication status identification, and thesaurus creation. I'd also like to touch upon a collaborative project we started with the NLP group at the National Library of Medicine where we are working on ways of expanding existing ontologies for medical domains with empirically derived data.