winter spring summer fall

When spring rolls around the green outside beckons, no matter the weather. This picture was taken out of my apartment window.

A mossy stream flows in the Porcupine Mountains of Michigan, about three hours east of Duluth. Spring run-off swells streams all across the area and attracts canoers and kayakers alike. One time my roommate kayaked the stream behind our apartment building on the UMD campus, which currently threatens to flood our apartment this spring.

Fog enshrouds a path up Rock Hill on the UMD campus. Duluth lots of excellent nooks and crannies, right in the city, that are perfect if you want to disappear from civilization for a few minutes or hours. Fog is fairly common in Duluth, thanks to the cold waters of Lake Superior. Since the town sits on a hill, the higher elevations will often be lost in fog, even when conditions are crystal clear down by the Lake and downtown Duluth.

Somewhere out there is the city of Duluth, but you wouldn't know from this picture. When shipping season arrives and the fog rolls in, Duluth's fog horn down on the Lake fires up and makes sure all its citizens are awake at 5:00 in the morning.

Onward to summer.

This webpage is a product of the Dane R. Petersen Trans-Global Web Design Concern, 2003. You have the right to be punted.