Episode 3

Gwayakochigewin - "Doing Things the Right Way"

"The government of the people is the people. That is where the power is, with the people. And the leaders of the people are not all in government. They are all over."

-Winona LaDuke, White Earth Ojibwe

Traditional decision making in Anishinabe-Ojibwe communities is based on the role of the individual in the family, in the community, in the clan, and in relationship to the Creator. This decision making process involves oratory in our language

and discussion to reach consensus. Leaders come in many forms, each characterized by talents and gifts bestowed upon them from the Creator. Warriors and Elders are held in high regard for their leadership roles. The French and British fur trade and relations with early Americans serioulsy fractured traditional forms of Ojibwe leadership & goverance, upsetting our traditional clan structures, leadership roles & egalitarian decision making.

Episode Three of Waasa-Inaabidaa - We Look In All Directions journeys from pre-European contact to contemporary times, portraying the essence of traditional Ojibwe decision - making, featuring portraits of historical Ojibwe chiefs & dynamic interviews with contemporary Ojibwe leaders. From our beginnings as sovereigh, independent bands led by a council of headmen, elders, & spiritual leaders; through the United States paternalistic era of government guardianship; to today's reestablishment of self-determination; our leaders have successfully led our people as a unique, sovereign nation within a nation.

Today's leaders & tribal governments come in many forms, but share in common the continued responsibilities of decision-making, of doing things the right way, for all our people.

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