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Understanding Global Cultures

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. Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 21:57 (09:57 PM) CDT, day 268 of 2024 .

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Global Cultures


Map of Bolivia

enlarged map
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map

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 Flag of Bolivia.   Click for national anthem.
 Himno Nacional de Bolivia  

Plurinational State of


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sorry for the inconvenience

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A Uro woman on a floating islet on Lake Titicaca.

A Uro woman on a floating islet on Lake Titicaca

 Bolivian Independence Day

Bolivian Independence Day

Lake Titicaca from Bolivian shore.

Lake Titicaca from Bolivian Shore


Panoramic view of La Paz

Panoramic view of La Paz


GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /claweb/faculty/troufs/anth1095/Bolivia.html
Last Modified Saturday, 29 May 2021, 12:33 (12:33 PM) CDT, day 149 of 2021
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