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Information Technology Systems and Services

How to Write Short Text Alternatives

To ascertain appropriate alt text think about why an image is being included in a document. Every image has a reason for being on a page because it either is purely decorative or provides information. By first establishing image purpose your decision of how to write appropriate text alternatives for different types of images becomes easier. So first decide if the image is 1.) merely eye candy i.e. bullets, spacers, or box corners or 2.) if it contributes to understanding, functionality, and/or appreciation of page content. Then go from there.

Short Text Alternative Decision Tree
A description of the tree is available.
Short text alternative decision tree

Example Markup

The following are six common types of images and example short text alternative markup:

  1. Purely Decorative Images
  2. Pictures
  3. Images of Text
  4. Complex Data Images
  5. Symbols
  6. Functional Images

General alt Text Good Practices

Prefix for Image Class

If you refer back to the decision tree you will find that if an image is informative and if it is a picture, use a name or short description. Adding an image type prefix to alt text (not always, but when appropriate) has some significant value. (Note, part of the larger value is consistent use of this technique - user expectations being a significant consideration; we want to be consistent as possible).

Consider for a minute the following 4 possible alt values:

See where this is going? Without even seeing the image in question, you (as well as screen reader users) can at least get a sense of what that image of Jane Doe is likely to look like. Internally if you can come up with something of a standardized list of common image elements that are used frequently, and start to encourage content authors to use this technique when appropriate it would be beneficial. That list could include prefixes such as Chart (Pie Chart, Bar Chart, etc). One prefix to avoid always is "Image", as screen readers will already announce this to the end user whenever the reader encounters the <img> element. Also, the use of the full colon here is important as it adds a minute but perceptible pause when read by the screen reader. Putting it all together, and using the first example from above, the screen reader would announce to the end user: "image: Photo: Jane Doe" - clean, simple, accurate, and not too wordy.

Context Affects Short Text Alternatives

What's necessary and what's not depends a lot on the function of the image and its context on the page. The same image may require alt text in one spot, but not in another. In the following video Derek Featherstone discusses how context impacts writing appropriate alt text. A transcript of Accessibility: Images in Context is also available.

WebAIM provides further examples in Context is Everything.

alt Terminology

The term "alt tag" is sometimes incorrectly used instead of the correct term "alt attribute". Actually as hard core developers will tell you, in HTML their is no such thing as an "alt tag". Technically, tags are things like <p> or </p> that you use to mark up your page and the alt attribute sits inside a tag, like this: <img alt="">, but sometimes you'll hear people refer to this attribute as an "alt tag" so it's good to be aware of this terminology even though it is incorrect. Calling an attribute a tag is a common mistake. An attribute is a property of an element that is written within the start-tag of an element, and should be referred to as simply an attribute. The text within the quotation marks is called "alt text".