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 UMD News Releases

Communication Associate: Public Relations | Lori Melton | | (218) 726-8830

September 26, 2007
Susan Beasy Latto, Director, UMD Public Relations (218) 726-8830
Sharon Layon, UMD Department of Psychology (218) 726-7808

UMD Department of Psychology to Hold Workshop on Veterans' Health Care
October 5
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Supporting the Families of Returning Troops"

The UMD Department of Psychology and Veterans' Resource Center will hold a workshop entitled, "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Supporting the Families of Returning Troops", October 5, from 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. in the UMD Rafters (Kirby Student Center, 3rd floor).

The workshop is designed to educate doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologist, counselors, teachers, community leaders and human service organizations in delivery of services to veterans and their families. Currently nearly seven of ten veterans will seek care via their community health care providers.

The workshop qualifies for CEU credits.

Registration in advance is required. Registration is requested by September 28.
Registration fee is $15.00 and additional fee of $42.50 apply for CEU students (1/2 credit).
More information can be found at:

The speakers and the topics of the presentations are:

Dr Clyde Markon, Civil Affairs and Medical Director, Twin Ports VA OPC, will review Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) issues as a result of blast injuries, which are common medical problems for returning Veterans. He will also discuss the effects of these problems on parenting and families.

Jeff Hall, VA Rural Outreach Coordinator for Returning Veterans, will give
a statistical overview and a description of deployment stages, with the corresponding effects of those stages on the family. Hall will also discuss the services available to Veterans.

Kathy Dowell, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, UMD Department of Psychology, will talk about the
emotional and behavioral effects of trauma, stress, and prolonged parental absence. Presentation will also include recommendations for when professional mental health consultation may be helpful and the implications for academic performance.

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