Linguistics 4105 Cognitive Linguistics Course Home (Fall 2018)

Table of Contents:


Instructor: Chongwon Park, Ph.D.

Office Hours: 2:00 - 2:55PM, MW (H 420S)

Class Time: 1:00 - 1:50, MWF (H 484)

Required Texts:

Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction (Ronald Langacker, Oxford)

Course Description:

In this course, students learn a theoretical framework called Cognitive Grammar (CG), which is a radical alternative to the generative theory discussed in Introduciton to Syntax (LING 3102). Starting with the fundamental notions of CG, essential aspects of the theory are discussed in depth. Among the topics surveyed are conceptual semantics, grammatical classes, grammatical constructions, among others. After learning the integral parts of CG, students will learn how to apply the fundamental notions to nominals, clauses, and complex sentence structures in English and other languages. The learning outcomes of this class will be [1] the acquisition of the ability to analyze complex sentence structures in English, [2] the acquisition of analytical thinking skills that can be extended to a similar type of problem solving, and [3] the ability to provide a detailed CG analysis of a limted set of English data.


You will have a total of 7 assignments, 1 class presentation, 1 mid-term, and 1 final exam. All the assignments and the exams consist of problem solving questions. After the mid-term, each student will be assigned one recent article that adopts CG in its analysis. Each student is required to present the assigned article with his/her critical assessment. In lieu of a final exam, students are required to write a final paper. Students should consult me to find an appropriate topic after the mid-term. Upon my approval, students are allowed to start writing their papers. Students are encouraged to consult me on a regular-basis during the writing process. The deadline of the paper is December 14, 2018 (4pm).

Attendance and Evaluation:

It is important for you to be present for every class. Every homework assignment should be turned in on the due date (or before the due date) in class. Evaluation will be based on the following weight. IMPORTANT: I DO NOT accept late assignments (no exceptions). E-mail submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

Total Number
Perfect Points
Total points
7 (per homework)
Final exam/paper

While students are expected to attend every single class period, there are circumstances that lead to excused absence from the classroom. Excused absences are defined at To be eligible for an excused absence, a student must provide written documents such as a doctor's note and/or a letter from his/her advisor. For each class you miss, 1 point will be deducted, but if your attendance is perfect (any absences being excused) you will receive 3 bonus points.

Final Grades:

Course Schedule for Fall 2018:

Assignments and Due Dates
Required Reading
Aug. 31 (W)
Aug. 31 (F)
Ch. 1
Sep. 3 (M)
No Class
Sep. 5 (W)
Ch. 1
Sep. 7 (F)
Coneptual Semantics
Ch. 2
Sep. 10 (M)
Conceptual Semantics
Ch. 2
Sep. 12 (W)
Ch. 3
Sep. 14 (F)
Ch. 3
Sep. 17 (M)
Assignment 1 (Due Sep. 24)
Ch. 3
Sep. 19 (W)
Grammatical Classes
Ch. 4
Sep. 21 (F)
Grammatical Classes
Ch. 4
Sep. 24 (M)
Grammatical Classes
Ch. 4
Sep. 26 (W)
Major Subclasses
Ch. 5
Sep. 28 (F)
Major Subclasses
Ch. 5
Oct. 1 (M)
Major Subclasses
Assignment 2 (Due Oct. 8)
Ch. 5
Oct. 3 (W)
Constructions 1
Ch. 6
Oct. 5 (F)
Constructions 1
Ch. 6
Oct. 8 (M)
Constructions 1
Assignment 3 (Due Oct. 15)
Ch. 6
Oct. 10 (W)
Constructions 2
Ch. 7
Oct. 12 (F)
Constructions 2
Ch. 7
Oct. 15 (M)
Constructions 2
Assignemt 4 (Due Oct. 22)
Ch. 7
Oct. 17 (W)
Rules and Restrictions
Ch. 8
Oct. 19 (F)
Rules and Restrictions
Ch. 8
Oct. 22 (M)
Rules and Restrictions
Ch. 8
Oct. 24 (W)
Oct. 26 (F)
Ch. 9
Oct. 29 (M)
Ch. 9
Oct. 31 (W)
Assignment 5 (Due Nov. 7)
Ch. 9
Nov. 2 (F)
Nominal Structure
Ch. 10
Nov. 5 (M)
Nominal Structure
Ch. 10
Nov. 7 (W)
Nominal Structure
Ch. 10
Nov. 9 (F)
Clause Structure
Ch. 11
Nov. 12 (M)
Clause Structure
Ch. 11
Nov. 14 (W)
Clause Structure
Assignment 6 (Due Nov. 21)
Ch. 11
Nov. 16 (F)
Complex Sentences
Ch. 12
Nov. 19 (M)
Complex Sentences
Ch. 12
Nov. 21 (W)
Complex Sentences
Assignment 7 (Due Nov. 28)
Ch. 12
Nov. 23 (F)
No Class
Campus Closed
Nov. 26 (M)
Ch. 13
Nov. 28 (W)
Ch. 13
Nov. 30 (F)
Ch. 13
Dec. 3 (M)
Student Presentation
Dec. 5 (W)
Student Presentation
Dec. 7 (F)
Student Presentation
Dec. 10 (M)
Final Exam/Paper
12:00 ~ 1:55pm


Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found at This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders.

Appropriate Classroom Conduct:

The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code ( Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing computer games, checking email, or surfing the Internet or Facebooking (or facebooking) on your computer instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities.