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personal course home page logoFor this assignment, you'll create a single Web page that will be your personal home page for this course. It will serve to introduce yourself to me and your classmates--both verbally and visually--and to provide links to all your class projects and exercises, as well as to external Web sites that you would like to collect for yourself and your classmates. You may also use this page as your general, personal home page if you don't have one already.

In addition to an array of required items that I'll ask you to design into this page, the centerpiece of your PCHP is a "theme"--a unifying idea that brings together the personal and public aspects of your identity. More...


glocalizaiton logoWith The Glocalization Site, you'll create a Web site that allows a global audience to experience some aspect of Duluth, Lake Superior, the Northshore or some similar locale. Because this global audience is possible only through the Internet, assume that they will never physically visit your locale. The only relationship your audience will ever have with your place is the online experience that you create, and the things you find to show and tell them. Luckily, you can "narrowcast" to a very particular audience with specific tastes and interests. More...


client project logoYou will create a Web-based project for a real-life client on campus or in the local area. The client can be an organization, a faculty member, a business, etc.

In consultation with the client, you will first create a "BETA" version of the site, which we will workshop in class. Then you will take the feedback you receive in the workshop to complete the finished project, which should be delivered to the client by the date of our final exam. You will also send the URL of the finished site to me as well. More...



essay projectAnalytical Essay:
A Manifesto for Reading a Web Site

Write a six-to-eight-page essay that presents a manifesto that charts a new approach to conceiving, designing and interpreting Web sites. Throughout your manifesto, use the specific example of a Web site to illustrate your new method and its value.

Use Gregory Ulmer's theory of the manifesto as a template for your essay, following the steps that Ulmer says manifesto writers throughout history have used to structure manifestos in politics, the arts and society. More...


revision logoRevise one of your previous projects with a new vision of what you want to do. By "ReVision," I don't mean a revision that fixes up a previous project with lots of local corrections and improvements.

Instead, ReVision entails a global transformation in the idea or strategy you pursue in the project, which will require changes throughout. More...










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