
Fall 2009

Course Information:
WRIT 1605
—Section 001, course #45776—meets from 3:30-4:45 in HPSC 208 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The course home page can be found at: <>

Professor Information:
Dr. Craig Stroupe,, 218-726-6249, Humanities 425, Office Hours Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or by appointment.

Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades


Literacy, Technology, and Society is a course in the Liberal Education Program in Category 7. In general, courses in the Liberal Education Program are intended to add breadth to your education. More specifically, they are intended to promote certain educational objectives:

This course in particular, WRIT 1506, does deal with significant ideas as well as the critical methods for studying the historical and cultural context of various texts. In addition, this course provides students with practice in written communication through the preparation sheets and through essay exams.

Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top



You will be expected to complete all the assigned readings by the beginning of class. You should mark the book or printout to help you locate key words, ideas, names, passages, and examples in the future. You will be expected to use the books in the exams, so you need to mark material when you read them.

Preparation Sheets

As part of the preview of each reading assignment, I will distribute a handout explaining the items that you are to respond to in the preparation sheets. There will usually be two or three items. Your responses are to give evidence that you have read the assigned reading and that you understand it well enough to summarize key points from it in your own words and to reflect on their implications and consequences.

The preparation sheets are to be word processed. Each one should be at least two pages, double-spaced, and have a header identifying the assigned reading and listing your name and the name of the course and the due date.


For Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes, absences in excess of 4 will deduct 3 percentage points each from your overall grade. For Tuesday/Thursday classes, absences in excess of 3 will deduct 3 percentage points each from your overall grade. For night classes, absences in excess of 2 will deduct 3 percentage points each from your overall grade

Absences short of these limits can be spent however you wish and so there are no excused or unexcused absences. Save your "free" absences for a rainy (or snowy) day.

If you are absent, you are responsible for all material covered or due in class.

In the case of absences or lateness, some requirements like guided in-class activities cannot be made up when timeliness or group interaction is critical.

In addition to your budget of allowed absences, you also have instances of arriving late or leaving early to use (with or without an excuse) if necessary: 4 for Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes, 3 for Tuesday/Thursday classes, 2 for night classes. Instances in excess of these allowed occasions will decrease your overall grade by 2 percentage points each. If during the semester you need to leave class early, even if it's one of your allowed instances, please arrange it with me in advance.


Class participation will include reading part of your preparation sheet aloud in class when you are called upon to do so. On those days when we are going over the items on the preparation sheets, I will try to call on a good number of people, and I do expect everybody to be prepared to speak (that is why the written assignments are called preparation sheets). I will collect your Preparation Sheets at the end of class.

Turning in all required work on time is critical; work turned in late will be assessed a 3% penalty per day.


There will be a mid-term and final exam, which will be a combination of opened- and closed-book formats.

Special Needs

If you have a disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect your performance in this class, please notify me at the beginning of the semester. Methods, material, or testing will be adapted as required for equitable participation.


Incompletes for the semester will be given only in the following very limited circumstances:

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct
Please see UMD's pages concerning these two issues:


Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top

Resources Needed




Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top