Project: Small-Format Document

In this project, you will use Photoshop to create a small-format document. The document will be submitted in two forms:

You will write a 500-word commentary on the project, turned in with the printed version


  1. that the document is indeed small format (smaller than the standard page size)

  2. how appropriately and usefully the content is selected to provide genuinely needed information at times/places where standard-sized documents would be inconvenient or impossible.

  3. how well the document's size and shape is adapted to particular, definable uses, containers, contexts, conditions, audiences, etc.

  4. how appropriately and thoughtfully the material medium is chosen on which the document is intended to be printed (Note: though you will turn this document in on ordinary paper, and as a digital image file online, you should discuss the material medium in your commentary. If the medium has a particular texture, you are welcomed--but not required--visually to simulate that texture in Photoshop.)

  5. how usable the content is as presented

  6. how appropriately and intentionally the content is visually designed according to the principles studied in the class's readings and discussions

  7. how fully the conception and design of the document considers the audience's needs, limitations, convenience in actual practice

  8. how clearly, specifically, and originally the purpose and need is conceived and realized in the design

  9. If the printed document is meant to be folded or otherwise manipulated--for example, in the case of a two-sided card--how clearly are the necessary steps indicated, and how useful is the final result. (Be sure that the content is correctly oriented (upside down, etc.) so the folded document is intuitive to use.

  10. how explicitly these criteria above are discussed in a formal, well-written, grammatically correct commentary of at least 500 words.

  11. how well the commentary concludes with some insight into the document (or some feature or aspect of it) which places it into a cultural, historical, disciplinary, or intellectual context introduced by Levy.

  12. whether the commentary includes at least two, well chosen quotations from the Levy book with page numbers indicated (cited correctly using MLA-style in-text citation format and bibliographic documentation at the end of the commentary).