Appendix G. Transfer Tool

Fred Toussi

HSQLDB Development Group

$Date: 2004/06/18 14:24:42 $

Table of Contents

Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction

Transfer Tool is a GUI program for transferring SQL schema and data from one JDBC source to another. Source and destination can be different database engines or different databases on the same server.

Transfer Tool works in two different modes. Direct transfer maintains a connection to both source and destination and performs the transfer. Dump and Restore mode is invoked once to transfer the data from the source to a text file (Dump), then again to transfer the data from the text file to the destination (Restore). With Dump and Restore, it is possible to make any changes to database object definitions and data prior to restoring it to the target.

Dump and Restore modes can be set via the command line with -d (--dump) or -r (--restore) options. Alternatively the Transfer Tool can be started with any of the three modes from the Database Manager's Tools menu.

The connection dialogue allows you to save the settings for the connection you are about to make. You can then access the connection in future sessions. These settings are shared with those from the Database Manager tool. See the appendix on Database Manager for details of the connection dialogue box.