- The Center for Genomic Gastronomy ["The Center for Genomic Gastronomy Is an artist-led think tank that examines the biotechnologies and biodiversity of human food systems"]
- Is Mate Choice in Humans MHC-Dependent? -- PLoS Genetics (4(9): e1000184. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000184)
Lia, Kari (Producer), & Lia, K. (Director). (2009). Mexico. [Video/DVD] BBC Worldwide. Retrieved from https://video-alexanderstreet-com.libpdb.d.umn.edu:2443/watch/mexico-2
Directed by Kari Lia, Narrated by Stefan Gates, Produced by Kari Lia, In Feasts, 3 (London, England: BBC Worldwide, 2009) 52 minutes
Stefan goes on a wild emotional and spiritual rollercoaster ride, starting with a teenage girl’s bizarre coming-of-age ceremony and ending with the Day of the Dead, a cacophonous cross-cultural festival of the senses during which Mexicans truly believe that their loved ones come back from the dead for three days every year to spend the day with them. In Oaxaca, he is dressed up as a dead woman and made to dance like a lunatic at the head of a procession as it makes its way through town. He is turned into an emotional wreck at the moment the dead return, bursting into tears as Dias de los Muertos makes him experience grief and loss for the first time. But then in the next breath, the family Stefan is living with teach him to celebrate and laugh at death. They turn his views on their head, allowing him to embrace and conquer his fear of death through an extraordinary sensual onslaught of food, flowers, songs and smells. The sight of the graveyards overflowing with flowers and mescal-drinking revellers is a truly life-changing experience.
- McQuaid, John. Tasty: The Art and Science of What We Eat. NY: Scribner, 2015.
- Mate Selection More Biologically Determined in Some Human Populations -- EurekAlert (11 September 2008)
- Olfaction -- John C. Leffingwell
- Onions Made Pre-Human Ancestors Cry Too, Study Suggests -- LiveScience (19 March 2010)
- Quick -- What's That Smell? Time Needed To Identify Odors Reveals Much About Olfaction -- ScienceDaily (03 August 2006)
- Research on Interesting Questions About Smells -- Andreas Keller Olfaction
- Roach, Mary. Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal. NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013.
- Scent of a Woman: Men's Testosterone Responses to Olfactory Ovulation Cues -- EurekAlert (13 January 2010)
- Sense
of Smell -- Sense of Smell Institute
- Smell (Olfaction) -- Tim Jacob, Cardiff University, UK
- Sweet Scents Lure Clubbers onto the Dance Floor -- LiveScience (08 June 2011)
- Top 100 Stories of 2009 #75: Yes, You Really Can Smell Fear -- Discover (23 December 2009)
- "Variation in sensation and affect: We live in 'different taste worlds'" --Linda Bartoshuk
Fifth Lecture of the Nobel Conference 46 Making Food Good Conference -- Gustavus Adolphus College (5-6 October 2010)
(archives are available online at <http://gustavus.edu/events/nobelconference/2010/archive.php>)

- Women 'Can Sense Attraction in Men's Sweat -- Telegraph (27 December 2009)
- Women's Natural Scent More Seductive Than Perfume -- DiscoveryNews (10 February 2010)
- Zaraska, Marta. Meathooked: The History and Science of Our 2.5-Million-Year Obsession with Meat. NY: Basic Books, 2016.
Red Rose
Skunk Hat