Package gshute.ioutil

Interface Summary
ILineSource ILineSource is the interface for classes that can dispense LineScanners for lines read from an input stream.

Class Summary
AllFileFilter An AllFileFilter implements the FilenameFilter interface by accepting all files.
BatchLineSource A BatchLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines of a disk file.
CircularList A CircularList is a list with its far end linked to its near end.
CircularListTester This class provides a main() method for testing the CircularList class.
Command The Command class is the parent class for subclasses whose instances are commands that can be stored in a CommandTable for execution in a command interpreter program.
CommandTable A CommandTable provides a means for storing, retrieving, and executing commands for command-driven interpreter programs.
CommandTableTest Class CommandTableTest provides a main function for testing the CommandTable class.
Formatting The Formatting class provides utility methods for formatting text for String and numerical data.
FormattingTester This class provides a main() method for testing the Formatting class.
InteractiveLineSource An InteractiveLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines read from the terminal.
LineScanner An object of class LineScanner scans text, breaking it up into tokens.
LineScannerTest Class LineScannerTest provides a main function for testing the LineScanner class.
LineSource Class LineSource implements the ILineSource methods for its subclasses.
LineStream A LineStream dispenses LineScanners for lines read from ILineSources organized as a stack.
LineStreamTest Class LineStreamTest provides a main function for testing the LineStream class.
SuffixFilter A SuffixFilter is a FilenameFilter that accepts file names based on a suffix.
Tester Class Tester is a base class for line-oriented, command-driven, interactive and batch testing.
TextIO Class TextIO provides utility methods for reading and writing files as strings.