Class Summary |
AllFileFilter |
An AllFileFilter implements the FilenameFilter interface by accepting
all files. |
BatchLineSource |
A BatchLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines of a disk file. |
CircularList |
A CircularList is a list with its far end linked to its near end. |
CircularListTester |
This class provides a main() method for testing the CircularList class. |
Command |
The Command class is the parent class for subclasses whose instances
are commands that can be stored in a CommandTable for execution in a
command interpreter program. |
CommandTable |
A CommandTable provides a means for storing, retrieving, and executing
commands for command-driven interpreter programs. |
CommandTableTest |
Class CommandTableTest provides a main function for testing the
CommandTable class. |
Formatting |
The Formatting class provides utility methods for formatting text for
String and numerical data. |
FormattingTester |
This class provides a main() method for testing the Formatting class. |
InteractiveLineSource |
An InteractiveLineSource dispenses LineScanners for lines read from the
terminal. |
LineScanner |
An object of class LineScanner scans text, breaking it up into tokens. |
LineScannerTest |
Class LineScannerTest provides a main function for testing the
LineScanner class. |
LineSource |
Class LineSource implements the ILineSource methods for its subclasses. |
LineStream |
A LineStream dispenses LineScanners for lines read from ILineSources
organized as a stack. |
LineStreamTest |
Class LineStreamTest provides a main function for testing the
LineStream class. |
SuffixFilter |
A SuffixFilter is a FilenameFilter that accepts file names based on a
suffix. |
Tester |
Class Tester is a base class for line-oriented, command-driven,
interactive and batch testing. |
TextIO |
Class TextIO provides utility methods for reading and writing files as
strings. |