Package gshute.util

Interface Summary
Converter A Converter provides a strategy for converting objects.
Dictionary A Dictionary is a random access collection in which search keys are an integral part of a data entry.
Dispenser A Dispenser is a collection of entries with a distinguished entry, called the accessible entry, that can be examined or removed.
Filter A Filter provides a strategy for filtering objects in a FilteredIterator.
IteratorConverter A IteratorConverter object provides a strategy for converting objects to iterators.
ListGenerator A ListGenerator provides a strategy for generating a list of objects based on a configurator object.
Namer A util.Namer object provides a strategy for naming objects.
PriorityQueue A PriorityQueue is an explicit priority version of a prioritized dispenser.
RandomAccess The RandomAccess interface defines the common methods of the Table and Dictionary interfaces.
Reporter A Reporter is a strategy for reporting events such as adds and removes in a ListDispenser.
Selector A Selector is an object that can select a value from an object.
Table A Table is a collection that supports random access of data by key.
Table.Entry A Table.Entry is an entry in a table.

Class Summary
Comparators Class Comparators is a factory class that provides comparators for comparing Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, and String objects.
ConvertedIterator A ConvertedIterator is an iterator that converts the items in a base iterator.
ConvertedListGenerator FIXME - add documentation.
Converters Class Converters is a factory class that provides converters for accepting classes and methods based on various criteria.
DatabaseTable A DatabaseTable is a poor-person's table in a database.
DatabaseTableTest Class DatabaseTableTest provides a main() method for testing the DatabaseTable class.
DictionaryTester The DictionaryTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Dictionary interface.
DispenserTester The DispenserTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Dispenser interface.
FilteredIterator A FilteredIterator is an iterator that filters the items in a base iterator.
FilteredListGenerator FIXME - add documentation.
Filters Class Filters is a factory class that provides filters for accepting classes and methods based on various criteria.
Iterators Class Iterators is a factory class that provides filters for accepting classes and methods based on various criteria.
Iterators.ArrayIterator Class gshute.util.Iterators.ArrayIterator implements the ListIterator interface for arrays.
Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator Class gshute.util.Iterators.ConcatenatedIterator implements the ListIterator interface for arrays.
IteratorTest Class IteratorTest provides a main() method for testing the methods of NestedIterator, FilteredIterator, and ConvertedIterator classes.
ListDictionary A ListDictionary is an implementation of the Dictionary interface using an ArrayList implementation.
ListDispenser The ListDispenser class is a factory for Dispenser that are implemented with a java.util.ArrayList.
ListGenerators FIXME - add documentation.
ListPriorityQueue A ListPriorityQueue is an implementation of the PriorityQueue interface using a java.util.ArrayList.
ListTable A ListTable is an implementation of the Table interface using an ArrayList implementation.
Namers FIXME - add documentation.
NestedIterator A NestedIterator consists of an outer iterator for a set of objects, each of which can provide an inner iterator for a set of objects.
Pair A gshute.util.Pair is an object with two member objects.
RandomAccessTester The RandomAccessTester class provides a main() method for testing the common methods for implementations of the Table and Dictionary interfaces.
TableTester The TableTester class provides a main() method for testing all implementations of the Table interface.