The operand notation used in this web presentation indicates the type of operands that can be used with the various instructions.

MAL instructions fall into five main categories.

The operand notation used in this web presentation indicates the type of operands that can be used with the various instructions.

The following symbols are used in the MAL machine instructions tables to indicate the syntax required for a machine instruction operand. These symbols are usually subscripted to distinguish between two source operands or between source and destination operands. The subscript d indicates a destination operand and subscripts s, s1, and s2 indicate source operands.

Symbol Meaning
label an instruction label
addr a memory address (see next table)
const a constant
R a general purpose register
Rc a general purpose register or a constant
F a floating point register
Fc a floating point register or a constant
C a control register

Constants must be integers except for float (.s suffix) or double (.d suffix) instructions.

Symbol Meaning
label an instruction label
addr a memory address (see next table)
const a constant
R a general purpose register
Rc a general purpose register or a constant

Constants must be integers.

Addressing Modes

The following modes can be used for memory addresses.

Mode Notation Meaning
direct label The operand address is the address assigned to label
register direct (R) The operand address is the contents of register R
base displacement const(R) The operand address is the sum of the contents of register R and const

In this table, R must be a general purpose register and const must be an integer constant.