Adding a Coin Flip

To keep things simple, our "coin flip" will be simulated by choosing a number between 0 (heads) and 1 (tails).

Write a procedure called nim that conducts a coin flip and launches a game. Below is an example interaction. Be sure to add nim to nim.scm's list of provided procedures.

     > (nim)
     Welcome to the game of Nim.
     I have a number between 0 and 1.  Which is it? 1
     The number is 0. I will go first.
         Pile 1: 8
         Pile 2: 5
     I take 1 coin from pile 1
         Pile 1: 7
         Pile 2: 5
     Which pile will you remove from?
Of course, if the human guesses correctly, then the human goes first.

The nim procedure must generate a 0 or 1 randomly. See the discussion of random numbers in Exercise 6.16, pp. 159-60.