I have centered my scholarly work on the thought of Walter Ong, with passing attention to related work by Eric Havelock, Marshall McLuhan, Bernard Lonergan, and Eric Voegelin. My primary claim to fame is my book Walter Ong’s Contributions to Cultural Studies: The Phenomenology of the Word and I-Thou Communication (Hampton Press, 2000; rev. ed. 2012).
I have also had the honor of co-editing (with Paul Soukup) An Ong Reader: Challenges for Further Inquiry (Hampton Press, 2002) and Ong’s Faith and Contexts, 4 vols. (Scholars Press, 1992-99; now distributed by Rowman & Littlefield). In addition, I have contributed essays about Ong’s thought to four collections of essays by diverse hands about his work and to other books and journals.