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Ancient Middle America

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 map: topographic
  map: Mesoamerica and Its Cultural Areas
 Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica

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Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 21:03:55 GMT


Map of Belize

enlarged map
Central America and the Caribbean
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map

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 Flag of Belize.



Central America

Spanish Dictionaries

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Sun God Vase.

Sun God Vase
Caracol, Belize, ca., A.D. 750
  National Geographic
 Belize Fishermen Wildlife Conservation Society
Mayan Women Making Corn Tortillas
Belize Fishermen
  Wildlife Conservation Society
Mayan Women Making Corn Tortillas
  Belize Post

Caracol Archaeology Site, Belize
  Caracol Archaeological Site

© 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved     Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth3618/mabelize.html
Last Modified Tuesday, 06-Sep-2016 14:26:20 CDT
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