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Sample Web Pages

Found by URL Comments
Anita Gustafson http://www.angelfire.com/ia/apesi/index.html

a lot of narrative and no graphics, I think
it needs a little something more.

Brenda Bree http://people.mn.mediaone.net/gonzoz/home.html stood out among many... I thought it was creative and fun
Damian Bjerketvedt http://www.d.umn.edu/~ssternbe/sps.htm my professor's homepage... you can tell he is into the engineering
aspect of web page design.
David Roland    
Eric Hall http://www.redrocker.com a personal site turned into an "official site" about 3 years ago. It is the site of my favorite rock
artist, Sammy Hagar. Although the content has improved, and most any information and extras you
could ever want are there, I feel the organization has lagged behind. I
also am not a big fan of frames. The other thing to notice is some of the
"inside" information, meaning someone not familiar with Sammy may find it
difficult to follow some of the information.

Gary Hoefs

1. http://lauraholder.com



1. Interesting content, fresh & original design, appealing layout/colors.
Worth taking a look at!

2, completely based on Macromedia Flash...it takes an annoyingly
long time to load (and I'm on a cable modem!)

Jeremy Nihart http://www.public.iastate.edu/~astro/
worst personal Web page I could find
Jessica Gunderson http://swansongrp.com/pindex.html really annoying the way his text is set up
Jill Torgerson http://sunflower.singnet.com.sg/~kuanpeng/ good example of what I believe Nielson meant by the term "pollution".
Kelly Rauzi http://home.dal.net/oliner I don't care for motion in my web sites---what do the rest of you think about animation?I also like tags attached to links for clarification of destination. She also seems to be concerned with appealing to an artistic/"gypsy" crowd
Kris Ewert http://www.d.umn.edu/~vzhdanki/ very well organized and easy to follow one of the best web pages I have used for a science class at UMD
Luke Stasney http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/
pretty well put together
Mark Paschke http://www.molehillgroup.com/annoying/ ultimate annoying website, it even advertises a book on how to make annoying web sites!
Megan Mulkey http://home.earthlink.net/~lymer/ too much narrative, which takes away from the design element. It also only appeals to three distinct audiences: the family itself, the Military and some children's commodities. However, the children are beautiful-from my side of the family of course.

Michael Evenson http://www.geocities.com/jweitgen/homepage.html I'll let you decide if you like this one or not
Nate Grussing http://www.d.umn.edu/~kdib/ one of my professor's home web page, I think it get the job done
but does not really show who he is as a person
Nicholas Schmidt    
Nichole De Mars http://www.loria.fr/~molli/ just a home page I found, a little different, but it is okay.
Some of the different links load slowly
Phillip Sayles www.larrythecableguy.com No witty remarks
Renee Gundlach http://www.students.dsu.edu/twedtj/
rather unstimulating and difficult to read.
Shanna Willie www.exit109.com/~mstevens/index.shtml  
Sheena Dooley www.d.umn.edu/~woes0009 good design and was simple enough where you weren't
waiting forever for it to bring up information.

Tara Jernell http://www.geocities.com/jinx_walker/ a lot of information, but I believe that
there is too much on the one page and it is kinda boring.