Email Narrative | Visual as Verbal | Parody (Facade) | Essay | Gathering


email narrative

In this first project, you will tell a story through a series of email messages.

The messages should look and sound (deceptively) like real emails, composed in the first-person voices and styles of two or more different characters. More...


visual verbal logoUsing Photoshop and Dreamweaver, take the content of an verbal text (your own or someone else's) and create a series of hypertext screens that realize the original's effects by "visualizing" it. That is, rather than just pasting the words into a long, continuous online document, use visual design to help create meaning, including images, various fonts, contrasting sizes and colors, layout, backgrounds, layering, visual heirarchies, etc.

parody logo
n this assignment, you'll create a parody of some digital genre--for example, an eBay auction page, a personal Web site, a blog--in the voice and style of a character who is not you.

As this ficticious author speaks through the words, images and design of this work, however, the author reveals more about him/herself than he/she realizes.

Basically, you'll use the page or site to reveal the facade of the character, and bring the reader to an understanding that undercuts or enlarges the meaning intended by the ficticious authors. More...


essay logoMedia Old and New



Email Narrative | Visual as Verbal | Parody (Facade) | Essay