Brent, Kendall, and Jayme's Page

Alcohol and Drug Policies of UMD.

For all incoming freshman who think they are going to be able to go out, party, and not get caught are in for a wake up call. UMD has very strict substance policies. As a "dry campus" not only do you get a minor and an on campus citation if you are caught drinking but you also get a citation if you are in anyway assocciated with anyone or in a room with open or unopen bottles. A school citation can be paid at the amount of one hundred dollars or fifteen hours of comunity service. A second offense results in a manatory two hundred dollar fine and thirty hours of community service at the campus. If you happen to get caught a thrid time, removal from the residence halls will follow. The policy clearly states as follows, “The possession, consumption, and/or association with possession of alcoholic beverages and/or possession of alcohol containers (e.g. boxes, cases, bottles, cans) regardless of the student's age, is prohibited in University residences and grounds. Students with substance abuse problems usually come to the attention of Housing staff through policy violations or by exhibiting behavior which is not socially acceptable. Students may expect that in addition to any disciplinary sanctions, staff will address use/abuse behaviors. In addition to disciplinary sanctions staff may suggest and/or mandate counseling.” This can be found at:

If you have a drinking problem or know someone who does, UMD has a variety of programs at the Health Center that will assist students' needs. They have counceling programs, treatment facilities, addiction assesments and so much more.

Another place to find ways to drink responsibly and get help is:

Cons of having the "guilty by association policy:"

Although having a strict policy and enforcing the "guilty by association" policy is supposed to decrease and regulate drinking on campus it seems to be doing more harm then good.