What kind of jobs can I get with an undergraduate degree in philosophy?

First, the bad news: You will never read an advertisement for a job that says, “Undergraduate philosophy majors wanted.” So what’s a philosophy major to do? Here are some general options: 1) Be prepared to be flexible and to “sell” yourself to potential employers. Although nobody is going to directly advertise for an undergraduate philosopher, lots of places are going to want somebody that has the skills of an undergraduate philosopher. More than any other academic discipline, philosophy teaches you to understand and break down complex arguments, to objectively evaluate evidence, and to solve logistical problems. These general skills are widely desired by employers. In short, your training in philosophy makes you desirable for a variety of jobs!!! Just keep your eyes open and sell yourself as someone who, in virtue of your philosophical training, will be well suited for jobs requiring careful thought and problem-solving. 2) Consider a double major. Philosophy is a discipline that spends a lot of time contemplating issues from other disciplines. A philosophy major can enhance your education in a number of fields including art, the computer sciences, English, mathematics, medicine, and the sciences. 3) Consider graduate studies. An undergraduate degree is an excellent steppingstone to a variety of graduate degrees, including a Masters or PhD in philosophy, a law degree, or a seminary degree.