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Prehistoric Cultures

Audio Programs (PC)at the UMD Library

Search the UMD Library Catalogue:

  1. Use Electronic Resources
  2. Go to UMD LIbrary Catalog
  3. Select "COMPLEX SEARCH"
  4. Enter "anthropology" as subject
  5. Set "itemtype" to "AUDIOCASS"
    (you might have to scroll down to see this on your screen)
  6. Hit "Search Catalog" button

See also: Prehistoric Cultures Video / Film Schedule

Partial List of Anthropological Audiotapes Available:

  • The Childhood of Chimps, Jane Van Lawick-Goodall (51 min., PC 759)
  • Evolution I, Louis Leakey (49 min., PC 507)
  • Evolution II, Louis Leakey (36 min., PC 510)
  • Evolution Versus Creation (29 min., PC 1262)
  • The Fossil Evidence, Michael Day (48 min., PC 533)
  • Getting Facts from Artifacts, J. Desmond Clark (57 min., PC 760)
  • The Naked Ape, Desmond Morris, (30 min., PC 515)
  • The Prehistoric Present, Bernard Campbell (28 min., PC 530)
  • Stone Age Europe, James R. Sackett (56 min., PC 321)
  • A View of Human Evolution, Sherwood Washburn (37 min., PC 514)

© 1998 - 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved   Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcaudio.html
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