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Credits and Acknowledgments

To Jim Belote's Sections
For Tim Roufs' sections, see below:

  • Special thanks go to Tom Bacig for help in developing this and other web pages.

  • Thanks go to Wayne Neighbors, Ph.D., J.D., for helping with the images on this page.

  • Hand ax, frontispiece: ". . .The first published illustration of a hand ax. . . . (Hearne's [1715] edition of Leland's Collectanea 1:1xiv). This implement is described in the Sloane Catalogue: 'No. 246. A British weapon [sic.] found, with elephant's tooth, opposite to Black Mary's, near Grayes Inn Lane' (as quoted in J. Evans 1897: 581.) (right) The same hand ax reproduced [but not included here] as a woodcut in J. Evans, Ancient Stone Implements 1897: Fig. 451. . . ." (Frank Hole and Robert F. Heizer, An Introduction to Prehistoric Archeology, 3rd ed., New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1973, p. 59.)

  • Charles Darwin's 1837 sketch, frontispiece: ". . . Darwin's first diagram of an evolutionary tree from his 'First Notebook on Transmutation of Species' (1837)." (Frank E. Poirier, An Introduction to Physical Anthropology and the Archaeological Record, Minneapolis, MN: Burgess, 1982, p. 31.)

  • "Fossil Skulls!" is from the Electronic Newspaper and is copyright © 1998 by The American Museum of Natural History.

  • Appendix B, "Anthropology and the Interrelation of Its Parts," comes from E. Adamson Hoebel, Anthropology: The Study of Man, 4th ed., (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), p. 14.

  • Internet Tutorials provided by IPL The Internet Public Library

  • Maps come from Magellan Geographix -- The Digital Mapping Source for the 21st Century:, and Mapquest

  • Attempts have been made with all items to provide or maintain the identity of the original author / source of information. Sometimes initial information available on the consulted WebSite did not contain identifying information.

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