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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 00:46 (12:46 AM) CDT, day 209 of 2024

Prehistoric Cultures

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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 05:46 (05:46 AM) GMT, day 209 of 2024
. . . in History 
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and early tool use / tool manufacture

In the News

"Chart of the Principal Paleolithic Industries"

Clovis point
Clovis point

see also

lithic analysis -- Wikipedia

Try "The lithics site"
-- Hugh Jarvis, SUNY Buffalo (Comprehensive)

In the news . . .

Four giant stone hand axes were recovered from the the dry basin of Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert.

Four giant stone hand axes were recovered from the the dry basin of Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert.
(Credit: University of Oxford).

Royal Arms of Scotland.

900,000-year-old hand ax, Estrecho del Quípar, southern Spain.
Credit: Michael Walker

Oldest Stone Blades Uncovered -- Science (02 April 2009)

Royal Arms of Scotland.

Cutting-edge technology.
A stone core (lower left) and three of the recently found blades.

Credit: Cara Roure Johnson and Sally McBrearty/University of Connecticut

"Paleoanthropologists Cara Roure Johnson and Sally McBrearty of the University of Connecticut, Storrs, recently discovered the blades at five sites in the region, including two that date to between 509,000 and 543,000 years ago. 'This is the oldest known occurrence of blades,' Johnson reported. . . ."

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