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Prehistoric Cultures

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. . . in History 
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Homo Sapiens:
A Look into a Distant Mirror

(53 min., 1999, UM DULUTH Library Multimedia GN286 .H666 2004 DVD)

Cave art from Grotte Chauvet, France.
Bear (left). Aurochs and rhinoceros (right).
Source: Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 8th ed.
(Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002), p. 335

Abstract Terms / Concepts Notes
Cultures Sites Individuals Questions

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"Where did Homo sapiens come from?"

"How did they interpret their world?"

"And what did they think and feel?"

"Were they anything like us?"

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This program seeks to profile modern humankind’s distant forerunners through the research of ethnologists Bernard Saladin D’Anglure and Valentina Gorbatcheva, archaeologist Sergei Vassilév, historian Jean Clottes, linguist Merritt Ruhlen, anthropologist Bernard Vandermeersch, geneticist Michael Hammer, and ethnoarchaeologist Polly Wiessner.

Prehistoric caves in southern France; the oldest-known human tombs, in Israel; "fossil words"; the genealogy of the Y-chromosome; and other topics serve as portals to the past." -- Films for the Humanities and Sciences


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Terms / Concepts / Features

  • ethnographic analogy

  • shaman / shamanism (angokok)

    • shamanistic rituals relate mostly to hunting

    • "parallel worlds"

      • men, animals and spirits have always been one
      • in shamanistic societies people often believe in the idea of "parallel worlds"
      • the shaman enters the parallel worlds to obtain power
      • the underground world was seen as the spirits, the world of the supernatural
      • in the depth of the cave the shaman would enter the parallel world
      • the shaman would go into trance
        • shamanistic trance was the bridge between the conscious and unscious worlds
      • !Kung San shamanistic rituals are part of everyday life
      • for the Inuit every part of the animal has a purpose

  • place names
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  • "moderns" arrived in Europe 35,000 - 40,000 ybp

    • we begin to see evidence in terms of things like cave painting
    • they were beginnning to enter the wold of the supernatural
    • salon noir -- the black room (chamber)
    • we have composit figurines, half-animal, half-human

  • "fossil words"

    • tend to be stable core words

    • first and second person pronouns

    • body parts

    • natural phenomena

    • Merritt Ruhlen

      • the world has about 5000 languages, divided into 400 families and 12 major groups

      • words go back 40,000 to 50,000 ybp in Africa
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  • "the genealogy of Y-chromosomes"

    • are present only in males

    • are inherited father to son

  • "genetic variation in humans today"

  • Mousterian

  • Upper Paleolithic (Upper "Old Stone Age")

    • population growth
    • personal ornamentation

  • art
  • language / linguistics

  • tradition

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  • As you watch this video compare its contents with "Ethnoarchaeology and Ethnographic Analogy" from Ch. 14 of the textbook

  • Use the dates on the "Times to Remember" WebPage

  • ca. 95,000 ybp a woman's skull was buried with a child

  • "Economics, social organization, arts, religion, burial customs, they all existed in some form in 'The Stone Age' [the Paleolithic] and they still exist today."

  • Note items of personal adornment and the social networks they represent

  • the oldest burial with an offering comes from ca. 100,000 ybp

    • Qafze
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  • Note cave art

  • ". . . intiuition is linked to knowledge, knowledge to mind, and mind to language."

  • "In short, we have entered a world where thought permeats everything, and this certainly is one of the legacies of Homo sapiens."

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  • Inuit (Siberian North America)

  • Homo sapiens

    • "The one who knows"

  • San (Khoisan; !Kung; "Bushmen"; Tsuntwasi)

    • y-chromosomes

      • chromosomes are oldest with the San "Bushmen" of Botswana and Namibia

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  • Canadian Arctic

    • Inuit

  • St. Petersburg, Russia

    • Siberian Peoples

    • Film Theatre of the Museum of the Russian People

      • "With antlers and bones you can make all sorts of things"

  • southern France

  • U.S.A.

    • Stanford
    • Tempe, Arizona

  • Middle East

    • Israel

  • Africa

    • "Bushmen (Khoisan; !Kung; "Bushmen"; Tsuntwasi) Today"
      • Namibia
      • Botswana
      • Angola

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  • D’Anglure, Bernard Saladin (ethnologist)
    • Inuit

  • Gorbatcheva, Valentina (ethnologist)
    • Museum of the Russian People

  • Vassilév, Sergei (archaeologist)

  • Clottes, Jean (prehistorian)
    • France
    • expert on prehistory

  • Ruhlen, Merritt (linguist)
    • studying the origin of language

  • Vandermeersch, Bernard (anthropologist)
    • Mideast
    • Israel
    • oldest burial offering that we know
      • 100,000 ybp

  • Bruiel, L'abbe

  • Hammer, Michael (geneticist)

  • Wiessner, Polly (ethnologist / ethnoarchaeologist)
    • African !Kung San peoples

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  • "Where did Homo sapiens come from?"

  • "How did they interpret their world?"

  • "And what did they think and feel?"

  • Were they anything like us?

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