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Marriage and the Family

Index to Marriage and Kinship / Descent

In the News

In the News . . .

Arranged marriage -- Wikipedia
Courtship -- Wikipedia
Elopement -- Wikipedia
Bride Price -- Wikipedia
Bride Kidnapping -- Wikipedia

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Lineage 1

Source: Ernest L. Schusky, Manual for Kinship Analysis, 2nd ed. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972, p. 72.

Segmentary Lineages -- Brian Schwimme

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Moiety 1

Source: Ernest L. Schusky, Manual for Kinship Analysis, 2nd ed. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972, p. 75.

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Kinds of Descent Groups

  • lineage = unilineal descent group based on demonstrated descent

  • clan = unilineal descent group based on stipulated descent

  • phratry = an association of clans in a unilineal system

  • moiety = one of two descent groups in a given population; usually moieties intermarry
    • a dualistic association of phratries, clans, or lineages

  • kindred = a (usually) non-corporate group that shares a common living ancestor

Unilineal Kinship Groups

Forms of Descent

  • incest -- sexual relations with a culturally-defined "close relative"

  • exogamy -- rule requiring people to marry outside their own group

    • village exogamy

  • endogamy -- marriage between people of the same group

    • class endogamy

  • plural marriages (polygamy) -- any marriage with more than two spouses

    • polygyny -- variety of plural marriage in which several women simultaneously share one husband

      • seems to work out best when the wives are sisters ("sororal polygyny")

    • polandry -- variety of plural marriage in which a woman simultaneously has more than one husband

      • rare
      • e.g., Tibetans, and Todas of India are the most famous
      • children are usually bethrothed in infancy
      • when the wife becomes pregnant one of the brothers goes through the ceremony of "presenting the bow"
        • this makes him the jural father
        • there is little concern over the biological sire
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