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Ancient Middle America

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 Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica

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Mexican Prehispanic Cultures

26 min., 1989, VC 1749

Abstract Terms / Concepts Notes
Cultures Sites Individuals Bibliography / Resources

Tikal, Guatemala

Tikál, Guatemala

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"Examines the accomplishments, growth and decline of Mexico's early cultures: the talented Toltecs, the courageous Aztecs, and the erudite Mayas."
  • Mexico City
    • Tenochtitlán
      • Aztec capital
      • Tlatiloco
        • the most important market district
        • 60,000 vendors
      • Xochimilco, the "Floating Gardens"
      • Zocalo ("Constitution Square")

  • Monte Albán
  • Teotihuacán
    • Teotihuacános
    • "Birthplace of the Fifth Sun"
    • ca. 300 B.C. - A.D. 900
    • Quetzalcoatl Temple
    • "Pyramid of the Sun"
    • "Pyramid of the Moon"
    • "Avenue of the Dead"

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  • Tikál
  • Tzintzuntzán
  • Tulum
  • Chichén Itzá
  • Mitla
  • Palenque
  • Uxmal
  • El Tajín

  • Copán
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    • "Mesoamerica"
    • syncretism
    • tiangus,
      • traditional markets
    • Chacmool
    • atlantes
    • Popol Vuh,
      • sacred writings of the Maya
    • ball game

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    • National Museum of Anthropology

    • It is estimated that there are 56 different cultural groups, each one with its own language

    • the attire of a person shows the person's status and group



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