Vicki Hansen
McKnight Presidential Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences

I am a structural geologist/tectonisist with interests in large scale tectonic processes of planetary bodies. Some of the regional field areas on Earth that I have worked on include: the western U.S., Yukon, Alaska, Arizona, and Antarctica. Over the last 10-15 years my students and I have concentrated on mapping large regions of Venus, commonly with emphasis on tectonic and magmatic processes. The goal is to interpret geologic relations at all scales, and decipher local, regional, and global scale geological histories in order to understand Venus' evolution and dynamic processes through time. Specific topics on Venus include: crustal plateau formation and implications for Venus evolution, deformation belt formation, coronae evolution, circular low formation, Venus resurfacing (evidence does NOT support catastrophic resurfacing of Venus contrary to popular views), lowland processes, and tessera-terrain evolution. My students and I have been involved in 1:5 million scale mapping of eight VMaps (30°x25°) for publication through the USGS, and we have recently begun 1:10 million scale mapping of two quadrangles (each 120° x 57°).
Kevin Thaisen
Post-doctoral research associate

My research can best be described as comparative planetary geology. I study the processes that influence the surfaces of the terrestrial planets. This includes impact cratering, volcanism, glacial, fluvial, and aeolian features, structural modification through tectonic processes, and composition. Most of my work is done with remotely sensed data from a variety of orbiting spacecraft, landers, and rovers, and incorporated into a geographic information system (GIS) to aid in understanding the relationships between multiple datasets.
My work has included studies related to the Moon, Mars, meteorites, diamond exploration, and now I'm getting the opportunity to work on Venus. I am also very interested in in-situ resource utilization and the potential it holds for human space exploration, and in developing programs for public outreach.
Current Graduate Student
David Tovar M.S. candidate

I am a geologist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia interested in planetary geology; in particular planetary volcanism and impact cratering. I had the opportunity to work at the Colombian Geological Survey (SGC) doing geological mapping and identifying possible Impact Craters in Colombian territory.
My B.S. thesis entitled “Comparison between major volcanic events on Earth and super-eruptions on Jupiter’s moon Io” was the first research on Planetary Geology in Colombia’s history and was awarded with the Lleras Codazzi prize, granted by the Colombian Geological Society.
While at the University of Minnesota, my work will be focused on Venus’ volcanic features and tectonics; nonetheless, topics related to planetary geology such as meteorites, astrobiology and exoplanets are my passion too.
Past Graduate Students
Jonathan Dyess Ph.D., UMD, 2014
Jennifer Goldner M.S., UMD, 2014
co-advised with J. Goodge; geologist, RioTinto Exploration
Thesis: Structure and Metamorphism along the Burntside Lake Shear Zone near Ely Minnesota
Christopher Goscinak M.S., UMD, 2014
Barr Engineering, Duluth MN
Thesis: Quartz Fabric Analysis of the Kawishiwi Shear Zone, NE, Minnesota
Aaron Slonecker M.S., UMD, 2013
Science & Planetarium Programs Specialist at Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
Thesis: Geologic and Structural Mapping of Northern Tellus Regio, Venus & Plate
Melanie Graupner M.S., UMD, 2013
Instructor, University of Mississippi; Morco Geological Services
Thesis: Geologic and Structural Mapping of Southern Tellus Regio, Venus & Plates
Tom K. Johnson M.S., UMD, 2009
LBH Consultants
Susan Marie Karberg M.S., UMD, 2009
Susan Cramer, Senior Geologist, SandRidge Energy, Oklahoma City, OK
Emily Elizabeth Bjonnes M.S., UMD, 2009
Petroleum Geo-Services
Thesis: The Plausibility of Venusian Equilibrium Resurfacing Using Monte Carlo Models
Sally Kay Goodman M.S., UMD, 2008
Instructor, St. Cloud Technical and Community College; caregiver
Emerald Josphine Erickson M.S., UMD, 2008
Emerald Mulanax, Geologist, Farallon Consulting, L.L.C.
Bhairavi Shankar M.S., UMD, 2008
University of Western Ontario, PhD 2013; Postdoctoral Fellow at Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration (CPSX)
Thesis: A Global Survey of Circular Lows: A Subset of Coronae, Venus
Roger Allen Bannister M.S., UMD, 2006
Thesis: Geologic Analysis of Deformation in the Interior of Artemis (Venus, 34°S, 132°E) & Plate
Nicholas Lang Ph.D., UMD, 2006
Assistant Professor, Mercyhurst University
Dissertation: Geological Processes in Venus’ Lowlands
Kelly Michelle McDaniel M.S., UMD, 2005
completed MS degree in Forensic Science
Thesis: Circular Lows. A Genetically Distinct Subset of Coronae on Venus?
Iván López Ruiz-Labranderas Ph.D., 2004
Faculty, BIOLOGÍA Y GEOLOGÍA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Dissertation: Geology of the Helen Planitia Quadrangle (V52), Venus: Volcanism, Tectonism, and Geological History
Duncan Young Ph.D., SMU, 2003
Research Science Associate V, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin
Dissertation: Geological Constraints on Planetary History: Rusalka Planitia, Venus
Leslie F. Bleamaster III Ph.D., SMU, 2003
Trinity University; and Planetary Science Institute
Dissertation: The Ix-Chel, Kuanja, Vir-Ava Chasmata System, Venus: Geologic History, Crustal Structure, and Magma Production & Transport
Rebecca Ghent Ph.D., SMU, 2002
Associate Professor, University of Toronto; and Planetary Science Institute
Dissertation: An Analysis of Tectonic Structures in Venusian Crustal Plateaus: Structure, Kinematics, and Numerical Modeling
Brian Banks M.S., SMU, 1999
Senior Vice President at Schnabel Engineering
Thesis: Intratessera Flood-Lava Basins (ITBs) Constrain Timing of Crustal Plateau Structures, Tellus, Venus
Douglas H. Oliver Ph.D., SMU, 1996
Oliver GeoServices, Owner
Dissertation: Structural and Kinematic Evolution Studies of the Proterozoic Pinal Schist, Southeast Arizona, and Maxwell Montes, Venus
Myra Keep Ph.D., SMU, 1994
Professor, University of Western Australi, Perth, Australia
Dissertation: Structural, Kinematic, and Thermochronometric Studies of the Teslin Suture Zone, South-Central Yukon Territory
Gail Davis Sease M.S., SMU, 1993
Instructor, various community colleges and other schools; caregiver
Past UMD Undergraduate Students
Adam Brewer
Brandon Brayfield
Keri Cole
David Demmer
Kirsti Hakala
Joe Jacobs
Grace Johnson
Mark Machacek
Taylor Nordberg
Matthew Pendleton
Adam Salzer
Erik Tharelson
Gavin Wagoner