Uses of Interface

Packages that use WrapMethod
gui The gui package consists of several classes that capture useful graphical user interface functionality whose implementation is complicated or requires detailed knowledge of swing that most people would rather not know. 
mvc The mvc package is an attempt to define generic model, view, and controller classes. 

Uses of WrapMethod in gui

Methods in gui that return WrapMethod
static WrapMethod Wrapper.createPaneledWrapMethod()
          This method is experimental - it may be of little use.
static WrapMethod Wrapper.createUnwrappedWrapMethod()
          This method is experimental - it may be of little use.

Uses of WrapMethod in mvc

Constructors in mvc with parameters of type WrapMethod
CardView(Choice.Model<? extends T> m, WrapMethod wm)
          new CardView(m) returns a new CardView.