Package gui

The gui package consists of several classes that capture useful graphical user interface functionality whose implementation is complicated or requires detailed knowledge of swing that most people would rather not know.


Interface Summary
NamedViewable A NamedViewable implements both the Named interface and the Viewable interface.
Viewable A Viewable is an object that can supply a component for viewing.
WrapMethod This class is experimental - it may be of little use.

Class Summary
AbstractSizer The AbstractSizer class is the base class for classes that manage resizing components such as text panes that can lay out their contents differently depending on available space.
AttachablePopupMenu An AttachablePopupMenu is a popup menu that can be attached to several components at the same time.
ComponentGraphics The ComponentGraphics class provides services for printing or exporting an image from a Swing JComponent.
DrawPanel The DrawPanel class is a base class for panels that paint themselves using Java2D graphics.
GriddedPanel A GriddedPanel lays out the subcomponents that are added to it on a grid.
Spacer A Spacer is an empty label that is sized according to its current font size.
Wrapper The Wrapper class provides convenience static methods for wrapping components and viewables in panels, scrollpanes, and title bordered panels.

Package gui Description

The gui package consists of several classes that capture useful graphical user interface functionality whose implementation is complicated or requires detailed knowledge of swing that most people would rather not know.