Package gui.multisource

The gui.multisource package implements a text display component that can display text from multiple sources and show a color bar that indicates the source of each part of the text.


Interface Summary
TextConsumer A TextConsumer is a Strategy for dealing with text.

Class Summary
ElementView An ElementView provides the capability of displaying the element structure and attributes of a document or part of a document.
MultisourceBorder A MultisourceBorder is a border that displays a color code indicating the source of text in a MultisourceDocument.
MultisourceDocument A MultisourceDocument is a document with segments that are attributed to different sources.
MultisourceViewer A MultisourceViewer displays multisource text and displays the sources of lines of text as color codes on the left of the text.

Package gui.multisource Description

The gui.multisource package implements a text display component that can display text from multiple sources and show a color bar that indicates the source of each part of the text.