Student Web Page Projects

Christopher, Jared and Andy


Stephanie, Rachel and Stephanie


Della, Kayla, Lindsay and Danielle


Kyle, Joseph, Tim and David

Patrick, Bree and Emma

Patrick and Alex


Welcome Week Response Paper 0-5 points
due September 14th
500 words

Submit an e-mail to me at my e-mail address—""—providing an overview of what you experienced during Welcome Week activities according to guidelines I sent on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009.

Cultural Event Response Paper 0-10 points
due October 5th
3 pages minimum

Attend a cultural event on campus (music, drama, lecture, or something like that). Write a 3-page paper that explains what the event was, when it took place and where. Would you recommend this event to a friend? Explain the appeal or the lack thereof.

Major Exploration Report 0-15 points
reports due on October 12th
3 pages minimum

Choose a potential major at UMD. Write a 3-page overview of the requirements for the major, career possibilities resulting from it and advantages and disadvantages associated with choosing this major. What interests you in pursuing this course of study and/or career path? Consider three areas of exploration that are crucial to choosing a major: self knowledge, educational knowledge, and occupational knowledge and address each of these in your paper.

Major Exploration Presentation 0-5 points
presentations begin on October 19th
5 minutes minimum

In a speech to your the class, present the major that you are writing about for the major exploration report. Explain why students should choose this major. And, again, consider this major on the basis of self, educational and occupational knowledge that you should acquire in researching the topic. You may also choose to collaborate with classmates on this presentation. A group can incorporate a debate about the merits of a particular major into its presentation, or it can compare related majors from different group members. The 5 minute minimum is for each member of a group in a group presentation.

CLA 1001 Section 10 Website 0-15 points
to be completed by October 26th
150 words, one picture, and one link per student in each group

What would you tell next year's incoming students if you could tell them anything? This is your chance to send them a message about what to expect and how to get by in their first semester at UMD. This project will become part of the CLA1001 web page and remain visible to the public for the foreseeable future.

Students may work individually or in groups.

I will allocate time in class for groups to plan and write submissions to the web page and hold class in Kirby Plaza 134 on October 12th to facilitate this project.

Students may use this project to discuss anything about UMD. What appears on the final webpage is subject to my approval, of course, but I will post pretty much anything within reason. I will not approve of the posting of material that offends community standards or crosses certain legal or ethical lines.

CLA 1001 Journal 0-15 points Due on most class days
Keep in-class writing assignments in the CLA 1001 journal that Katie and I will provide in most class sessions. Assignments will be topics relating to what is happening in your first semester at UMD.

Opinion Piece 0-15 points
Due October 26th
7 pages
7 sources (3 of which may be online sources)

Assignment guidelines available upon request. This assignment takes place primarily outside of class. The option is only open to students who discuss it with me by October 19th.

Attendance 0-30 points

Students receive two points for showing up to class on time and staying for the duration. Arriving late or leaving before the instructor ends the class means losing at least one of these two points.

Grade Breakdown

This is a one-credit course in which students receive a grade ranging from A to F. Students earn points by completing the following assignments.

Welcome Week Response E-mail Project0-5 points
Cultural Event Response Paper0-10 points
Major Exploration Report0-15 points
Major Exploration Presentation0-5 points
Section 10 Webpage0-15 points
CLA 1001 Journal0-15 points
Opinion Piece0-15 points
Group Study Practicum0-10 points
Attendance (2 points / class session)0-30 points
Possible total0-120 points

Grade Calculations:

90 points and aboveA
80-89 pointsB
70-79 pointsC
60-69 pointsD
below 60 pointsF

Assignments receive grades according to the following factors:

  • Adherence to assignment guidelines and deadlines.

  • Quality of critical thinking and creativity manifested in the assignment.

  • Clarity and sophistication of communication including organization of ideas and style of presentation.

  • Absence of mechanical (spelling and grammatical) errors.

Academic dishonesty tarnishes the reputation of the University of Minnesota Duluth and discredits the accomplishments of its students. Because the university is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit, it must insist on an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. Consequently, all members of the academic community must regard any act of academic dishonesty as a serious offense. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which is available online at "". This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders.

Individuals who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might influence their capacity to perform in this class, should inform me at the start of the semester. I can make special adaptations of teaching methods, assignments, materials, or testing as required to provide for equitable participation in the course. Disability Resources is also available to assist students with disabilities. It is located in 258 Kirby Student Center and on the web at "".

There are several different ways to get the points necessary to passing this class, but showing up on time to each class makes this process the easiest. Points you lose from absences are points that you will have to make up by doing additional assignments. Furthermore, we will devote some class time to the completion of these assignments, so certain absences will double the negative impacts on your grade for the course.