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Tuesday 03 October 2006
Week 05 Day 09


Flag of Turkey.   Click for national anthem.

Map of Saudi Arabia

enlarged map
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map


3:30 Take the Turkey test!
from BBC News



An Ottoman coffeehouse, European engraving, 19th century

An Ottoman coffeehouse,
European engraving, 19th century

Tuesday 03 October 2006
Week 05 Day 09

   Tim Roufs

video: Süleyman the Magnificent
(57 min., 1987, VC 1009


Old Business

Week 04 GCforum Topic

Brazil in the News and in Class . . .

Two of the main headlines in Sunday's BBC World News
01 October 2006
BBC News


Brazil votes in presidential poll
Brazilians are voting in presidential elections with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva seeking a second term in office


Brazil: Key facts
Facts and figures about Latin America's largest country

Thursday 05 October 2006
we will have a closer look at Brazil in class

Brazil Class Page


1. Why should anyone in Great Britain or America care about what happens in Brazil?
2. How do you think what is happening in Brazil this week relates to what's happening on Brazil in class this week?
Be sure to set your "Folder Selector"
in the main window
to the current topic

[use the “Reload/Main button" to get to the main window]

Set message for Topic 4

REM: If you have any questions, you can post them on the GCforum
or bring them up in class

    • At a minimum of once a week post a meaningful message on the class discussion on-line chat board located at GCforum
    • at least one topic of your weekly posting(s) should be related to the class topic(s) of the week
    • i.e., in Week 02, for example, you should discuss a topic related to what is happening in class during Week 02
    • at the very end of the semester, i.e., in Week 15, post a course evaluation of the class itself



Tuesday 03 October 2006
Week 05 Day 09

   Tim Roufs

video: Süleyman the Magnificent
(57 min., 1987, VC 1009



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Thursday 05 October 2006
Week 05 Day 10


Flag of Brazil.   Click for national anthem.

Map of Brazil

enlarged map
from The World Factbook

Lonely Planet Map


  • GCforum demonstration

  • so far there have been only two topics listed for the forum: The Pope Speaks (number 3) and Brazil in the daily news (number 4)

  • there were no number 1 or number 2 topics due to technical problems the first two weeks

Thursday 05 October 2006
Week 05 Day 10
    1    Lauren S.

    2    Dave
      3    Jack
      4    Stephanie
      5   Molly

Old Business

  • Methods of Analysis: Cultural Metaphors -- continued (slides)
    • Resume with introduction to cultural metaphors -- #19, Metaphors include . . .
  • Methods of Analysis: "A Four-Stage Model of Cross-Cultural Understanding" (slides)
  • Other Methods and Areas of Analysis:
    • these will be covered as time permits



Thursday 05 October 2006
Week 05 Day 10
    1    Lauren S.

    2    Dave
      3    Jack
      4    Stephanie
      5   Molly


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GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1095/fsweek05.html
Last Modified Monday, 27 November 2006, 20:07 (08:07 PM) CST, day 331 of 2006
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