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OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
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General Considerations for
Turning in Assignments and Other Materials

This page deals with conventions of naming and identifying assignments and files, and of formatting your materials

For details on submitting assignments on-line see "Uploading Files in Moodle."

down arrow Assignment Identification

down arrow Sample Title Page and Paper Format

down arrow Sample Papers


use the following URL to access your Canvas account:

In general, call your file

your emailname assignment ID

avoiding the characters . . .

? ¿ " ' # :


rouf0013 case study

rouf0013 exam I

rouf0013 problem statement

rouf0013 outline

rouf0013 term paper

rouf0013 extra credit lecture

rouf0013 extra credit paper

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Assignment Identification

down arrow Sample Title Page and Paper Format

down arrow Sample Papers

  • Observe the following conventions when turning in Case Studies, Extra Credit Papers, and other written materials:

    • papers must be word-processed

    • turn in your paper as a .DOC or .RTF or an Apple .pages document

      • A NOTE to " Works" Users: DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR PAPER AS A .wps DOCUMENT

    • include the following information on each of your papers

      • see sample title page below

      • paper title: subtitle

        • e.g., "Jane Goodall and the Chimpanzees of Gombe Stream Reserve: Personal Reflections on a Life's Work"

      • your name

      • course number and section number

        • e.g., "Anth 3888 -- 002"

      • name of the assignment or option

        • e.g., "Case Study #1" or "Extra Credit Paper"

      • professor's name

      • date

        • e.g., " 27 July 2024 "

      • on earlier drafts, include the draft version number or description
        • e.g., "Draft #3"
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    • call the section where you list ALL sources used "References" (that's APA style) or "Works Cited" (that's MLA style) rather than "Bibliography"

      • bibliography can and usually does include sources relevant and related to your work. but not actually used in the paper

      • start your "Works Cited" section on a separate page

      • never submit the only copy of any manuscript
        • always make and keep a backup copy of your work
          • use the Ctrl-S key often to backup your work

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    • papers will generally not be accepted after the due dates, unless you have made prior arrangements

    • Criteria for Grading College Papers

    • If you have any questions, please stop in (Cina 214) or e-mail Questions of general interest can be posted directly to the class Forum.
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Sample Title Page and Paper Format

down arrow Sample Papers

For more help see Paradigm On-line Writing Assistant

and / or the

Sociology-Anthropology Writing Guide

If you use a title page with Modern Language Association (APA) conventions, it should look something like this. Papers following American Psychological Association (APA) standards would include this information double-spaced and centered in the middle of the page.

[more information on your title]

Jane Goodall

and the Chimpanzees of Gombe Stream Reserve:

Her Personal Reflections on a Life's Work

by George W. Bush


Anthropology 1601 - 001

Case Study

Professor Roufs

27 July 2024

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Bush  2

[more information on an Introduction]

For example, put your paragraph(s) summarizing the Texas A & M WebSite (Anthropology in the News), or whatever subject you are writing on, here.

Put a transitional statement about finding a item of interest here that's a good example of some current trend or new discovery.



[Give this section an interesting subtitle, something other than "Body"]

Describe and discuss your chosen topic(s) here. (If you do a comparison / contrast paper you will need more than one topic, otherwise a single topic is fine.) Use some form of organizational structure. The "Journalist's Questions," Who,What, When, Where, How and Why are often helpful.

Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant if you do not have much experience writing college papers.




Put your conclusions here.




[doublespace everything in your paper]

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Bush  X

Works Cited


Works Cited Your "References" or "Works Cited" information should go

on a separate page -- doublespaced.

See "Documenting Electronic Sources in Specific Disciplines" from OWL for information on how to cite items from the web.


Sample Papers

fromOWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

Argument Papers

Exploratory Papers

Types of APA Papers

APA Sample Papers

Sample APA Paper: Definitions of Online Communication

Sample APA Paper: Adolescent Depression

MLA Sample Papers

MLA Undergraduate Sample Paper: Andrew Carnegie

MLA Sample Papers: Nineteenth Century Farming Handbooks


© 1998 - 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved   Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pchanding-in.html
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