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Friday, 26 July 2024, 21:13 (09:13 PM) CDT, day 208 of 2024

Prehistoric Cultures

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Dates and Times to Remember 

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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 02:13 (02:13 AM) GMT, day 209 of 2024
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Please Note:
The dates below are approximate starting dates only.
Most of the categories overlap.

Dates and Times to Remember

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other timelines


Major Events / Groups
Alternate Name

  A.D. 1859 End of the "Prescientific Period"
in Prehistoric Cultures Studies

arrowhead pointing up

  X End of Prehistory
(writing begins)
dates vary regionally
Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 15
"The First Civilizations,"
pp. 373--87-406
arrowhead pointing up
  3,300 B.C. "Ötzi" The Iceman  


arrowhead pointing up

  c. 10,000 B.C. . . .
dates vary regionally
Early "Civilizations"
(agriculture and village life begin...)

Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 14
"Food Production,"
pp. 339-372

arrowhead pointing up
Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 13
"Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers,"
pp. 307-338
  12,000-11,500 ybp Younger Dryas cooling (stadial)  
  ? - 18,000 [13,000?] ybp "Hobbit"
35,000 - 60,000 B.C.

Homo sapiens sapiens

[National Geographic "Genographic" migration]
("Early Moderns" = Cro-Magnons...)

  c. 100,000 ybp Qafzeh, Israel,
Homo sapiens sapiens


Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 12
"The Origin and Dispersal of Modern Humans,"
pp. 279-306


c. 160,000 ybp

Herto, Ethiopia, Homo sapiens idaltu
[BBC article]
c. 200,000 ybp "Mitochondrial Eve"
[based on DNA analysis]
  c. 195,000 ybp

Omo I and II,
Homo sapiens sapiens,
[BBC article]

arrowhead pointing up


200,000 B.P....
[or c. 300,000 ybp?]

"Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

(Homo neandertalensis)
(Homo sapiens neandertalensis)



"Premodern Humans"
aka "Archaics"

Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 11
"Premodern Humans,"
pp. 251-278


0.4 mya...
Homo sapiens heidelbergensis

"Other Archaics"
(Homo heidelbergensis)
(Homo sapiens heidelbergensis)

arrowhead pointing up

  c. 1.8 mya... Homo erectus
"Turkana Boy"
-- Homo erectus [aka Homo ergaster]
(1.5 mya)
Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 10
". . . Homo erectus and Contemporaries,"
pp. 231-250
1.977 and 1.98
arrowhead pointing up

Australopithecus sediba
Human origins story takes new turn -- BBCNews (08 September 2011)
  c. 2.4 mya... Early Homo
(Homo habilis...)
Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 9
"Hominin Origins,"
pp. 197-230
arrowhead pointing up

  c. 2.6 mya . . . (11 August 2010) -- first stone tools (Gona / Bouri, Ethiopia)  
  c. 2.5 mya . . .

"Taung Child"
-- Australopithecus africanus (c. 2.5 mya)





"Early Hominins"

Cf., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 9
"Hominin Origins,"
pp. 197-230

c. 2.7 mya . . . "Zinj"
-- Paranthropus (c., 2.7 mya)
-- aka Australopithecus robustus
c. 3.2 mya . . . "Little Foot"
-- Australopithecus [species uncertain]
(2.2-3.3 mya?)
c. 3.2 mya . . . "Lucy"
-- Australopithecus afarensis (2.9-3.9 mya / 3.2 mya)
c. 3.3 mya . . . "Selam"
-- [aka "Lucy's Child"] ( 3.3 mya)
c. 4.4 mya . . . "Ardi"
Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 mya)
-- Ardipithecus kadabba (5.8-5.2 mya / ~ 5.6 mya)
  c. 5.6 mya . . . "Toumai"
-- Sahelanthropus tchadensis (5.8-5.2 mya / ~ 5.6 mya
["Dental hominin"]
[Nature article]
c. 6 mya . . . Orrorin tugenensis
(5.8-6.1 mya / ~ 6.0 mya)
arrowhead pointing up
  c. 13 mya... Pierolapithecus catalaunicus  

c. 17 mya...

(Ramapithecus / Kenyapithecus / Ouranopithecus)

., Text 11th Ed., Ch. 9
"Hominin Origins,"
pp. 197-230
  c. 33 mya... "Dental Apes"
(Aegyptopithecus, Apidium...)


  c. 65 mya... Primates
Cf., Text 11th Ed., Chs. 6 and 7
"An Overview of the Primates" and "Primate Behavior"
pp. 115-172
  c. 13.7 bya . . . creation of the universe  

* c. = circa = about

B.C. = "before Christ," or "before common era"
ybp = "years before present"
mya = million years ago
bya = billion years ago


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