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Homo sapiens sapiens

Prehistoric "Early Moderns"

In the News


| General Information |
| Homo sapiens sapiens -- Contemporary "Moderns" | Homo sapiens | Homo |

In the News . . .

From Anthropology World News -- Texas A&M Anthropology

  • Fossil Finger Points to New Human Species - Nature (2010-03-24)
  •      1 - Researchers Discover New Lineage of Ancient Human - Science (2010-03-24)
         2 - Bone May Reveal a New Human Group - New York Times (2010-03-24)
         3 - DNA Identifies New Ancient Human Dubbed 'X-woman' - BBC News (2010-03-25)
         4 - New Species of Human Ancestor Found in Siberia - Guardian (2010-03-24)
         5 - Ancient DNA Suggests New Hominid Line - Science News (2010-03-24)
         6 - Stranger from Siberia Is New Ancestor of Man, Claim Scientists - Telegraph (2010-03-24)
         7 - DNA from Bone Shows New Human Forerunner, and Raises Array of Questions - Washington Post (2010-03-25)
         8 - X-Woman Could Forever Change Human History - Discovery News (2010-03-24)
         9 - New Human Species Discovered: Mitochondrial Genome of Previously Unknown Hominins from Siberia Decoded - Science Daily (2010-03-25)
         10 - Meet X-woman: A Possible New Species of Human - New Scientist (2010-03-24)
         11 - Possible New Human Ancestor Found in Siberia - Reuters (2010-03-24)
         12 - DNA Reveals New Hominid Ancestor - Wired (2010-03-24)
         13 - Fossil Finger Points To New Human Relatives - NPR (2010-03-26)
         14 - New Type of Human Discovered via Single Pinky Finger - National Geographic News (2010-03-25)
         15 - Evolution Is This a New Species of Human Being? - Guardian (2010-03-26)

    From Anthropology World News -- Texas A&M Anthropology

  • New Hominid Species Discovered in South Africa - New York Times (2010-04-08)
  •      1 - "Key" Human Ancestor Found: Fossils Link Apes, First Humans? - National Geographic News (2010-04-08)
         2 - Odd Fossil May Be Human Ancestor, Or Dead End - NPR (2010-04-08)
         3 - South African fossils could be new hominid species - BBC News (2010-04-08)
         4 - 2-million-year-old fossils may help fill key gap in human evolution - Los Angeles Times (2010-04-08)
         5 - Fossil skeletons may belong to an unknown human ancestor - Guardian (2010-04-08)
         6 - Almost human: closest australopithicine primate found - New Scientist (2010-04-08)
         7 - Claim over 'human ancestor' sparks furore - Nature (2010-04-08)
         8 - Anthropologist Helps Identify New Species - Texas A&M (2010-04-08)
         9 - Fossil Skeletons May Be Human Ancestor - Live Science (2010-04-08)
         10 - New Ancestor May Be Ape-Human Link - Discovery News (2010-04-08)
         11 - New pre-human species offers evolutionary clues - Reuters (2010-04-08)
         12 - Partial skeletons may represent new hominid - Science News (2010-04-08)
         13 - New hominid shares traits with Homo species - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         14 - Fossils shake up our family tree - MSNBC (2010-04-08)
         15 - New Hominid Shares Traits With Homo Species: Fossil Find Sheds Light on the Transition to Homo Genus from Earlier Hominids - Science Daily (2010-04-08)
         16 - Possible New Human Ancestor Discovered - Wired (2010-04-08)
         17 - IU's Carlson among team of scientists announcing new species of prehistoric man - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         18 - Texas A&M anthropologist helps identify new species of Homo-like fossil found in South Africa - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         19 - New Fossil May Show How Apes Became Humans - ABC News (2010-04-08)

    From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology

    Human Line 'Nearly Split in Two' BBC News (4/24/08)



    General Information


    Homo sapiens

    | Primates -- Contemporary | Primates -- Prehistoric | Hominids | Australopithecus |

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    Alternative Name







    Heidelberg, Steinheim, Swanscombe, Kabwe . . .





    "Early Moderns"

    Cro-Magnon, Border Cave, Qafzeh, etc.



    UMD Students

    Special Case: Piltdown

    Adapted from Intoduction to Physical Anthropology, 8th ed, Jurmain, Nelson, Kilgore, and Trevathan
    (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000, pp. 285 - 290).

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