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Off the Verandah

Bronislaw Malinowski

(GN21.M25 O34 2004 DVD, 52 min., 1990)

Papua New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands

Trobriand Islanders

Major Figures in Anthropology

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Bronislaw Malinowski

Bronislaw Malinowski
1884 - 1942

Bronislaw Malinowski was the anthropologist who really changed the way field studies were carried out. He worked on a remote group of Pacific islands and lived for long periods among the people he was studying and made their lives intelligible to the West.

  • Functionalism
  • Kula

  • Major Publications

    • The Trobriand Islands (1915)
      • matrilineal

    • Myth in Primitive Psychology (1926)

    • Crime and Custom in Savage Society (1926)

    • Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922)

    • Sex and Repression in Savage Society (1927)

    • The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia (1929)

    • Coral Gardens and their Magic (1935)

    • A Scientific Theory of Culture (1944)

      • "Malinowski argued that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society as a whole. He reasoned that when the needs of individuals, who comprise society, are met, then the needs of society are met." -- Wikipedia

      • Three types of needs society satisfies for individuals:

        1. individual biological needs
          • food / nutrition / water
          • reproduction
          • shelter / safety

        2. instrumental needs (institutions that meet biological needs)
          • education
          • political organization / social control / law
          • economics

        3. integrative needs (systems that encode values)
          • magic
          • religion
          • science
          • art

    • Freedom & Civilization (1944)

    • The Dynamics of Culture Change (1945)

    • Magic, Science, and Religion (1948)

    • A Diary In the Strict Sense of the Term (1967)

Also featured in the video . . .

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