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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Saturday, 27 July 2024, 00:22 (12:22 AM) CDT, day 209 of 2024

Mustard seed.
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Map of Samoa
American Samoa
-- The World Fact Book

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"Coming of Age:
Margaret Mead"

(1901 - 1978)

Strangers Abroad Series
(52 min., 1990, VC 1755)

Major Figures in Anthropology


Coming of Age Book


"The most widely read, the best known, and arguably the most controversial anthropologist is probably Margaret Mead, an American who, at the age of 23, went to study adolescence in the South Sea Islands."

"Although her field work has been criticized and she stands accused of creating rather than developing conclusions, she was nevertheless one of the foremost fieldworkers of her day. In the United States, Bali, and New Guinea, she examined child development, sex, and temperament to see what role society plays in making people what they are. Adolescence was a time of emotional stress and personal conflict in America and Europe; Mead claimed that in Samoa, adolescence was in many ways the most enjoyable and happy time of life. She emphasized that humans arrange their social worlds in many different ways, and that qualitative judgments cannot be made between them." -- Hesburgh Library

Margaret Mead in Samoa

Margaret Mead sitting between two Samoan girls, ca. 1926.

cf., Margaret Mead and Samoa
(51 min., 1988, VC 1415)

Margaret Mead -- Wikipedia

Search for "Margaret Mead" on JSTORE

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Terms / Concepts:
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  • male / female roles

  • rites of passage

  • "nature / nurture debate"

    • was thought of as the question of whether your race or your culture makes you what you are

    • one of the "Three Perennial Debates" discussed earlier

  • "Culture and Personality School"

  • tabu

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  • see above
© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/video/M_Mead.html
Last Modified Tuesday, 26 March 2013, 17:16 (05:16 PM) CDT, day 085 of 2013
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