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Constrained Listing
  • "The freelist technique is used to elicit the elements or members of a "cultural domain"

    • For domains that have a name or are easily described, the technique is very simple:
      just ask a set of informants to "list all the members of the domain"

    • In the Anthropology of Food class Pre-Assessment task, for example, people are asked to list "non-poisonous foods you would not eat"

      • In this case the "cultural domain" is "non-poisonous foods you would not eat"

      • And it is called a "freelisting" because the question allows you to name as many or as few foods as you want
  • A "constrained listing" would set some limits on the list

    • for e.g., "Name ten non-poisonous foods you would not eat"



Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmpfreelisting.html
Last Modified 16:46:44 GMT 26 March 2012
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